#indieweb 2024-05-21

2024-05-21 UTC
[jgarber] joined the channel
“quote chain” or “matryoshka posts” 🤔
pixelglade and fmlatghor joined the channel
capjamesg[d] this is awesome!!!
very authentic + shows how you found and got into the indieweb
↩️ Thanks!
Saphir, [daveletorey], cedric, rvalue, dpk, GuestZero, Guest6, sohrab, [snarfed], geoffo, barnaby, [KevinMarks], ocra8, shoesNsocks and jeremycherfas joined the channel
https://ffconf.org/articles/cfp/ one topic requested: “An introduction to the Indie Web: blogs, web mentions, web rings and the like”
sohrab joined the channel
^ [Jeremy_Keith] [Paul_Robert_Ll] capjamesg
oh its 2024-11-08 https://2024.ffconf.org/ — I believe that conflicts with btconf Berlin
which is really too bad 😞
oh hey nice use of ISO date in their link-preview!
Yeah 😦
[preview] [Prami] 🤫 Hey. Psst. Guess what. There’s no AI in omg.lol, and there never will be. It’s just real humans with real hearts here, building and connecting and socializing. Exchanging *our* ideas, not ideas harvested from a model. Creating *our* own t...
[KevinMarks] did you see my post in chat 😆
I love this statement from omg.lol.
The significance of saying publicly that you are not using AI for something, or only use AI for certain things, is personally meaningful to me.
I just read Microsoft is putting AI into Minecraft.
I saw it afterwards
gRegor joined the channel
Oh, I’ve got a ticket to ffconf this year.
(I go every year, one of my favourite conferences)
[schmarty] joined the channel
does anyone post "list" posts that are distinctly presented differently from "just" a note post that has a list of things, e.g. with additional UI around arranging / sorting the list, or forking the list etc.?
following up from packing list discussions
like I could see posting a packing list "list" post, which then I could "fork" or "make checklist" as a reply of sorts, which would be a separate post for a specific trip that I would use to checkoff the items as I packed them
then the original list post could display below it each time I used it, and which things I ended up packing vs not
I see people post checklists with empty checkboxes and then reply with some checked (using emoji, not html checkboxes)
reillypascal joined the channel
Really appreciate people like omg.lol making that clear that there's no AI
bterry and [niklasfyi] joined the channel