Aaron Parecki
Aaron Parecki

Aaron Parecki is the co-founder of IndieWebCamp
Elsewhere: Twitter GitHub Percolator Podcast
Contact: email/imessage:
sms: 503-567-8642
- p3k - the code that runs
- Quill - Micropub client
- Teacup - Food and drink posting client
- Telegraph - Send webmentions via an API
- Switchboard - WebSub hub
- Overland - GPS tracking app
- Compass - GPS tracking server
- Atlas - Maps and geo data API
- XRay - Normalize data from various formats
- Aperture - Microsub server
- Monocle - Microsub reader
- some PHP libraries used by these projects
- See 2016-12-12: A Brief Intro to My Website Architecture for an overview of how these fit together.
- Percolator Podcast about my IndieWeb developments
- Meetable - events website that runs
- Services
- OwnYourSwarm - PESOS Swarm checkins to your website
- - receives and stores webmentions
- - deprecated
- IndieNews - link sharing website that runs
- Utilities
- Flickr Archiver - export your Flickr account to a static website
- Loqi - a sometimes-helpful IRC bot
- 100DaysOfIndieWeb -
- Webmention
- private webmention
- testing tool:
- Micropub
- testing tool:
- WebSub
- testing tool:
- IndieAuth-spec
- Microsub
- tagged:
- 2021-04-13 How to Sign Users In with IndieAuth
- 2020-06-14 How to Leave Facebook
- 2020-01-18 Making Meetable Easier to Install
- 2020-01-14 Meetable: An Open Source Events Aggregator
- 2019-12-21 Announcing!
- 2019-10-06 Syndicating My Tips to Foursquare
- 2019-09-30 Unlisted Posts
- 2019-02-25 Emoji Avatars for my Website
- 2019-01-23 IndieAuth: One Year Later
- 2019-01-21 Upgrading my Monthly Summary Pages
- 2018-07-07 OAuth for the Open Web
- 2018-06-30 Sending your First Webmention from Scratch
- 2018-04-20 An IndieWeb reader: My new home on the internet
- 2018-03-12 Building an IndieWeb Reader
- 2017-12-05 Announcing the IndieAuth Spec
- 2017-05-30 Micropub is a W3C Recommendation
- 2016-09-30 Private Webmentions
- 2016-06-18 Videos from IndieWeb Summit 2016
- 2016-04-26 Monocle is Offline
- 2016-04-13 New integrated authorization server for p3k
- 2016-02-20 Enabling Global Webmentions with Telegraph and Superfeedr
- 2016-02-13 Going all in on self-hosting my code
- 2015-12-07 Setting up HTTPS with
- 2015-08-29 Why I Live in IRC
- 2015-04-26 HTML Is My API
- 2015-03-05 Designing an IndieWeb Reader Based on How I Read Social Media
- 2015-01-04 Owning My Data in 2014
- 2014-06-22 IndieWeb Events June 2014
- 2014-06-06 The Importance of URLs
- 2014-06-01 Long-Term Archiving of GPS Logs
- 2014-03-23 Posting photos on my own site
- 2013-10-13 Realtime IndieWeb Comments
- 2013-10-11 The Future of Quantified Self Devices
- 2012-10-22 Creating Content on the Indie Web
- 2012-06-18 Introducing IndieAuth
- 2011-07-31 IndieWeb Messaging
- 2011-03-25 URL Shortener as a Search Interface
- 2010-12-17 How to build a multi-user Delicious clone with WordPress
indieweb support
See p3k
- 2012-12 began receiving Pingbacks using (called at the time)
- 2013-05-26 added webmention support
- using a built-in webmention endpoint
- recognizes mentions, replies and likes via h-entry markup
- sending webmentions automatically for new posts
- 2013-06-23 began displaying count of received comments/likes/mentions on posts
working on
I'm working on building the following building blocks of the Indie Web
- Webmention specification and extensions such as private webmention
- IndieAuth specification
- Micropub specification
- WebSub specification
- Microsub specification
personal website
I'm building indieweb functionality into my personal site, p3k at
indieweb community
I build and maintain several things used by the IndieWeb community.
- This Week in the IndieWeb - an automatically generated weekly newsletter about the IndieWeb community
- this wiki
- Meetable - the events website that runs
- Slack IRC Gateway
to do
Below is my todo list for the IndieWeb community tools:
Install auth plugin on to use logged-in cookie to set usernameInstall Calagator at events.indieweb.orgreplaced with MeetableUpdate Calagator to prevent adding new events unless logged in (via lasso auth)github issue to discuss requirements
- Update
- should know about logged-in users to automatically set the nickname when joining the web chat
- show notifications (red dot in channel name, and/or browser notifications) when your nick is mentioned
- show messages left via a !tell
update 2018/Baltimore event pages to consolidate schedule/info as discussed after IWC is canonical event page, wiki has schedule grid and detailed event info, tito registrations embedded on 2018 page
figured out
Things I feel like I've figured out pretty well, have shipped on my own site, can depend on, and am available to help explain to others.
- POSSE, in particular:
- webmention and pingback
- IndieAuth, in particular:
- Building your own authorization endpoint and token endpoint
- Micropub
Below are some general itches that are before the stage of turning into action items for p3k or other projects. For a more immediate list of things that will end up in my site soon, see: p3k#Itching
IndieWeb Summit Itches
Only 2 weeks til indieweb summit! what feature should I try to finish before then?
In increasing order of difficulty
- finish my fake microsub server that returns sample/test data so that reader app creators have sample content to build and test against
- βοΈ add a feature to monocle so you can preview what your feed looks like in a reader
- finish creating the list of "test identities" for
- fetch private feeds in Aperture
- Realtime updates from Aperture
- Many microsub clients would benefit from being able to get realtime updates from the microsub server. Need to figure out an API that makes sense for a wide variety of clients, such as mobile apps, constrained devices, etc.
- Issues
- I sometimes use GitHub issues for projects where there isn't even any code in the repo. I'd like to replace this with a self-hosted version of an issue tracker, that functions much like GitHub issues.
- Should be able to have other people create and comment on issues via Webmention, as well as log in to the site using IndieAuth to comment in the case they can't post a Webmention comment.
- Events - a community event calendar and/or aggregator.
- These are kind of two separate things, but related. Calagator is an example of this hybrid approach.
- I plan to use this to run the event listing on
- Shoebox - a photo/media server, used as a Media Endpoint and to replace my use of Flickr, and Soundcloud
- Slides / Presentations
- I've been posting slide decks on Speakerdeck because it imports PDFs well and provides a nice interface
- I do host some HTML slides on a subdomain but it could use an improved navigation system
- My presentation posts could use some improvement to better feature the slides and videos and session descriptions, and I also need an easier way to post those since I didn't post any in 2018 for some reason
- Kits
- I recently discovered which has a great UI and is a great way to display that content, but I'd really like to have these on my own site as well.
- provides discoverability, so I may want to POSSE or PESOS the data
- private groups - wanting to communicate privately with some group of people. Since 2014 I have been finding private/secret Facebook groups very useful for certain things. How does this translate onto our individual sites?
- Mention App
- Kirby login app (needs a new name)
- archive to wayback machine
- some time after publishing posts on my site, send a ping to the wayback machine to trigger archiving it
- Hosting my own conference videos that are currently only hosted on YouTube (
- publish some sort of indicator of activity on private (and public) git repos, so that my day permalinks where I am inside working all day don't look so empty [1]
- Getting more data out of Apple Health
- Venues
- Venues should get their own URLs on my site so I can see all checkins I've posted at a venue
- Tie my checkins to local venues
- Create "lists" of venues, with tips specific to the entry in the list (example)
- Show lists grouped by city, like Foursquare
- Allow people to subscribe to notifications of my checkins at either particular regions of a map, or particular venues (e.g. let me know when you get to this area during the bar crawl)
- gopher server for IndieNews as a follow-up to
projects that need to be renamed
I've had a bad habit of naming projects after the spec they implement. It has become apparent that this has caused more confusion than it has benefits. The worst case of this is, since it conflates the spec with the service that I run.
- (issue)
- split into two separate services
- 1) service for developers to handle web sign-in
- 2) user delegation tool as a user, you can use it as your authorization endpoint for micropub
- possibly (issue)
- receives webmentions for you
- provides an API (and potentially a UI in the future) for displaying webmentions
session ideas
Brighton 2019
- private posts
- how to present daily summary data like daily step totals
- photos and videos, poster photos, multi-posts, etc
- when to include u-photo markup? e.g. not when you are embedding photos in an article
- PTD#29
- u-photo
- u-video
- poster frame (u-featured?)
- mutli-photos in OwnYourGram
- XRay#84 photos + videos
- ambiguous ordering
- examples of photo essays: adactio schmarty tantek
private posts
Some brainstorming on private posts:
- I want to let people log in to my site, and then they can see things that are not posted publicly.
- Should additional posts appear on my home page once someone is signed in?
- Should there be a separate feed of posts that are visible only to the person who is signed in?
- I want to make some posts visible to groups of people, but might not want them to know which group they're in.
- Need some way to visually indicate that a post is not public, so that people know they should not share it as they would a public post. (screenshot or otherwise)
- Some posts I want to show the context they are posted in (e.g. POSSEing photos of my cat in the #animals channel in the XOXO Slack), but this applies also to public posts
- 2018-12-10 IndieAuth: OAuth for the Open Web] at W3C Strong Authentication and Identity Workshop
- 2018-06-26 Social Readers at IndieWeb Summit
- 2017-06-17 Owning my Quantified Self Data
- 2017-05-30 What is the IndieWeb? at Donut.js
- 2016-06-22 Standardizing the Social Web
- 2015-06-24 Micropub: The Emerging API Standard for IndieWeb Apps
- 2014-06-24 OAuth, IndieAuth, and the Future of Authorization APIs
- 2013-08-08 IndieWeb - W3C Workshop on Social Standards
- 2012-06-26 From OAuth to IndieAuth: Own your online identity given at Open Source Bridge 2012
A list of all the IndieWebCamps I've attended
- 2020 - IndieWeb Summit Portland 2020
- 2020/Austin - IndieWebCamp Austin 2020
- 2020/Online - IndieWebCamp Online 2020
- 2019/Brighton - IndieWebCamp Brighton 2019
- 2019/Amsterdam - IndieWebCamp Amsterdam 2019
- 2019 - IndieWeb Summit Portland 2019
- 2019/DΓΌsseldorf - IndieWebCamp DΓΌsseldorf 2019
- 2019/Austin - IndieWebCamp Austin 2019
- 2018/Berlin - IndieWebCamp Berlin 2018
- 2018/Nuremberg - IndieWebCamp NΓΌrnberg 2018
- 2018/NYC - IndieWebCamp NYC 2018
- 2018 - IndieWeb Summit Portland 2018
- 2018/Baltimore - IndieWebCamp Baltimore 2018
- 2017/Austin - IndieWebCamp Austin 2017
- 2017 - IndieWeb Summit Portland 2017
- 2017/Nuremberg - IndieWebCamp NΓΌrnberg 2017
- 2017/DΓΌsseldorf - IndieWebCamp DΓΌsseldorf 2017
- 2016/MIT2 - IndieWebCamp MIT2 2016
- 2016/Brighton - IndieWebCamp Brighton 2016
- 2016 - IndieWeb Summit Portland 2016
- 2016/DΓΌsseldorf - IndieWebCamp DΓΌsseldorf 2016
- 2016/Nuremberg - IndieWebCamp NΓΌrnberg 2016
- 2016/MIT - IndieWebCamp MIT 2016
- 2015/SF - IndieWebCamp SF 2015
- 2015/MIT - IndieWebCamp MIT 2015
- 2015 - IndieWebCamp Portland 2015
- 2015/Germany - IndieWebCamp DΓΌsseldorf 2015
- 2014/Online - IndieWebCamp Online 2014
- 2014/Cambridge - IndieWebCamp Cambridge 2014
- 2014 - IndieWebCamp Portland 2014
- 2014/SF - IndieWebCamp SF 2014
- 2013/Hollywood - IndieWebCamp Hollywood 2013
- 2013/UK - IndieWebCamp Brighton 2013
- 2013 - IndieWebCamp Portland 2013
- 2012 - IndieWebCamp Portland 2012
- 2011 - the first IndieWebCamp in Portland
The notes below are archives from this page after having launched the feature.
- Export your Delicious bookmarks (now offline)
I have been using Foursquare consistently for a number of years now, and it is the authoritative source of every venue I've been. I know that if I have never checked in somewhere before on Foursquare, I actually have never been there before.
While my Foursquare feed is currently public, I'm reconsidering whether I want my indie checkins feed to be completely public. I may end up being more selective about the checkins I make public instead, and keep my full checkin history private.
Examples of public checkins often include a short note from me along with the venue for things like checking in to a venue for a public event, or checking in somewhere to say I'm going to be hacking there for a while inviting people to join me. When I check in to lunch two blocks away from my office, it's not that I don't want anyone to know I'm there, it's just that probably nobody cares and there usually isn't anything actionable that would come from them knowing anyway. Usually I'm getting something to go and don't have time to stay and talk anyway.
Foursquare provides:
- a push API so I can pesos checkins to my site in real time
- lots of my friends still use it
- the app still provides fun tidbits when I check in, like "you've been here 5 weeks in a row", etc
- searching for venues is difficult to implement from scratch, and I'm not entirely happy with the OSM data, so using foursquare venues continues to be highest quality
Really getting annoyed that when Foursquare venues are renamed, merged or deleted, my own history is changed.
- Figure out how to represent a "checkin" on my own site (see Creating content on the Indie Web for more thoughts)
- Figure out how to store venues on my site (venue IDs, nice slugs, ???)
- Build a basic interface for viewing "checkin" data
- Syndicate out to Foursquare and possibly Facebook (although Facebook recently deprecated checkins in favor of attaching venues to notes)
- Repurpose the Checkie app to search my site for venues and post checkins to my site first
- Download all Foursquare history and create checkins on my site retroactively
100 pages that link here
- projects β (β links)
- chat-names β (β links)
- 2012/Guest List β (β links)
- 2012/Planning β (β links)
- FAQ β (β links)
- short domain β (β links)
- WordPress β (β links)
- webactions β (β links)
- 2012 β (β links)
- to-do β (β links)
- buttons β (β links)
- site-deaths β (β links)
- IndieAuth β (β links)
- 2012/Sessions β (β links)
- 2013/Planning β (β links)
- 2013/Guest List β (β links)
- 2012/UK/Guest List β (β links)
- 2012/UK/Planning β (β links)
- projects-fr β (β links)
- POSSE β (β links)
- location β (β links)
- 2013/UK β (β links)
- feed β (β links)
- OpenID β (β links)
- Web Action URL APIs β (β links)
- syndication formats β (β links)
- note β (β links)
- POSSE-fr β (β links)
- checkin β (β links)
- WebSub β (β links)
- remote participation β (β links)
- Twitter β (β links)
- deployment β (β links)
- Facebook β (β links)
- posts β (β links)
- h-card β (β links)
- Instagram β (β links)
- selfdogfood β (β links)
- Semantics Of Article-Note Distinction β (β links)
- Falcon β (β links)
- photo β (β links)
- MetaWeblog β (β links)
- translations β (β links)
- rel-alternate β (β links)
- web hosting β (β links)
- press-kit β (β links)
- code-of-conduct β (β links)
- code-of-conduct-feedback β (β links)
- Webmention β (β links)
- silo-quits β (β links)
- wiki β (β links)
- Flickr β (β links)
- posts-elsewhere β (β links)
- SWAT0 β (β links)
- article β (β links)
- reply β (β links)
- β (β links)
- webmention-fr β (β links)
- posts-fr β (β links)
- article-fr β (β links)
- articles-fr β (β links)
- webactions-fr β (β links)
- web hosting-fr β (β links)
- β (β links)
- own your data β (β links)
- comments β (β links)
- u-syndication β (β links)
- IFTTT β (β links)
- Twitter-fr β (β links)
- syndication formats-fr β (β links)
- hashtags β (β links)
- events/2013-04-26-indieweb-meetup β (β links)
- RelMeAuth β (β links)
- multiple-reply β (β links)
- original-post-discovery β (β links)
- comments-presentation-fr β (β links)
- rsvp β (β links)
- event β (β links)
- WordPress-fr β (β links)
- selfdogfood-fr β (β links)
- Foursquare β (β links)
- checkin-fr β (β links)
- events/2013-05-12-indieweb-office-hours β (β links)
- how-to-sponsor-fr β (β links)
- tags β (β links)
- photo-fr β (β links)
- POSSE to Facebook β (β links)
- Disqus β (β links)
- IndieWebCamps β (β links)
- Posts about the IndieWeb β (β links)
- Hacker News β (β links)
- reply-context β (β links)
- spam β (β links)
- email β (β links)
- IndieArchive β (β links)
- composite stream β (β links)
- queueing β (β links)
- comment-notifications β (β links)
- repost β (β links)
- like β (β links)