photo reply

From IndieWeb
(Redirected from multi-photo reply)

photo reply is a reply with a photo, thus also a photo post that is in-reply-to another post.


How to markup

Markup is similar to a photo post, with the addition of an in-reply-to property:

<div class="h-entry">
  In reply to <a href="" class="u-in-reply-to">a post</a>:
  <img class="u-photo" src="photo.jpg">
  <p>published on <time class="dt-published">2024-11-25</time> by <a href="/" class="u-author">me</a>

IndieWeb Examples

Ryan Barrett

Ryan Barrett on WordPress:

Kevin Marks

Kevin Marks using Known since 2017-12-22:

gRegor Morrill

gRegor Morrill on since 2016-02-10:

Aaron Parecki

Aaron Parecki on since 2018-08-02 (at least, may be earlier examples)

Marty McGuire

Marty McGuire on since 2018-04-14

Silo Examples


Since @-replies have their own page level permalinks, Twitter can be considered to support photo replies, e.g.

Multi-photo reply

Similar to multi-photo posts, there are some sites that support posting multi-photo replies in response to other posts.

Silo multi-photo reply

No known IndieWeb Examples of multi-photo replies (yet).

When a multi-photo reply is displayed among the comments on the original post, it is a multi-photo comment (more there).

See Also