Books was a session at IndieWebCamp Düsseldorf 2024.
- Archived from: https://etherpad.indieweb.org/books
- Readwise plugin lets you comment on a particular part of a web page
- A way to capture something someone likes on a personal website, you could blog on that.
- Collaborative annotations on something.
- OCR for book annotations
- https://hypothes.is/
- Idea: interactive book annotation tool that lets you highlight with your finger, then opens a text box to annotate.
- Use indiebookclub.biz to list books one is reading -- a Micropub client.
- Status tracking vs. reviewing vs just listing
- How do you make personal bookshelves social? - link of GoodReads
- Randomly place a fake book that is an Easter egg that takes you to a hidden room in your website.
- Makes you "fall through" the trapdoor.
- Really long bookshelf or multiple shelves.
- Things you could do: Make /books page, or /library, or /antilibrary
- Sharing metadata across personal websites; tags that are shared
- Inline comments could be distracting
- BookWyrm -- supports ActivityPub -- basically Federated GoodReads
- Reilly shares books he has read on his personal website; hot link cover image from OpenLibrary
- OpenLibrary: information should be open without restriction.
- Tracy shares books, and Pablo
- Two use cases: Posts about reading, or lists.
- Personal library catalog.
- Idea: interactive scanning application with polygon highlights so you can choose which book to select.
- Aspirational personal library? Bookmarks of physical books you have seen.
- What is the best link for a website?
- Link to the author if they have a website where they advertise their books.
- Related: asin.cc for short Amazon links.
- "Are you telling me Shakespeare didn't have a personal website?"
- Link to author personal website, Wikipedia page for a book, or provide an ISBN
- Link to personal website: an independent linking to an independent
- Or you could link to your local bookstore
- What if the bookstore stops selling the book (i.e. you read a new title, they ran out of stock, and five years later they don't have one on order)?
- The bookstore could order more?
- List of books that people have recommended to you on your personal website?
- There are sites that collect together all bookstore catalogs into one and help you find the closest one with the book in stock, such as https://bookshop.org and http://indiebookstores.ca
- Organization systems for books - LOC
- Top rated picks
- Bookstores have this
- Helps people find a few books they may like
- Reference books live somewhere, fiction is somewhere else
- You could have multiple different sections
- API for book covers? (OpenLibrary)
- Use your website to track the location of books
- Search bar on personal website
- Value of books you have read is higher, so show those first?
- Highlight books to see a comment? (i.e. you should read another book first)
- Technical complexity as something to show
- Roy Tang’s Discworld page: https://roytang.net/topics/discworld/
- List of local booktores you recommend
- Bookstores may not respond from other locations(?) (i.e. US websites blocking EU due to GDPR)
- Example found/shown in session: https://www.booksmith.com/ (was unresponsive / timed out, also blocked https://validator.w3.org/ and https://indiewebify.me/)
- Has book permalinks based on ISBN-13 e.g.: https://web.archive.org/web/20230929112550/https://www.booksmith.com/book/9780060959470
- You could create a book permalink on your website with reviews, etc.
- Similar to indieweb venue pages
- Have a look at BookWyrm for inspiration
- Could have a list of every time you have mentioned the book on your blog, in a post
- Great example of indieweb book library: https://crashthearcade.com/book-list/