Drupal was a session at IndieWebCamp Cambridge 2015 about Drupal.
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Drupal - https://www.drupal.org/home - is a content management framework supporting some 2% of the web including many large and prominent sites. It is free software and has a very large and active community.
this seems to be the best shot at Webmentions https://github.com/sanduhrs/vinculum/tree/7.x-2.x
working on getting contrib access here.
should implement this http://webmention.org/ - already a bug is flagged for pingback spam, how do we implement spam control??
see https://www.drupal.org/node/1987964
auto-link URLs directly - the input filters can do this
auto-link @-names to Twitter profiles - the Twitter module can do this and some others too ( http://drupal.org/project/twitter
need: p-location h-entry h-geo or h-adr
- This can be done with feeds module
- h-feed and h-entry. should be semantic tags on the views entries
Development strategy:
- try to use existing drupal modules. Likely a Feeds module plugin for import/export?
- this could be used as a linter http://indiewebify.me/
- another one http://glennjones.net/tools/microformats/
Microformat background info
- french background info on microformats and drupal
- http://microformats.org/wiki/implementations-fr
h-atom enabled using drupal referenced:
- http://microformats.org/wiki/hatom-examples-in-wild
- microformats cheat sheet
- https://www.addedbytes.com/cheat-sheets/microformats-cheat-sheet/
- hatom to atom libraries. helpful?
- https://github.com/robertbachmann/microformats-x2v
one of these or similar should be able to ingest dang near any microformat https://www.drupal.org/project/feeds_ex
here is the wordpress approach https://github.com/indieweb/wordpress-indieweb
wordpress glue modules list
here is a test sandbox of salmon for comments https://www.drupal.org/sandbox/sanduhrs/1132592