
From IndieWeb

The opening IndieWebCamp 2015/Germany session.

IndieWebCamp leaders will lead you through:

  1. Announce: Welcome to IndieWebCamp Germany!
  2. Show Squarespace parody video
  3. Tell brief history:
  4. Show http://indiewebcamp.com/ home page and principles
  5. Note explicit decision to focus on
    • personal site "scratch your own itch" doers, doing, selfdogfooding, demoing
  6. Show code-of-conduct
  7. Overview of IndieWebCamp Two Days:
    • Day 1: intro/demos, lunch, brainstorming sessions, dinner
    • Day 2: day two hack sessions, lunch, hack sessions, demos
  8. Demos of what works on your site today - note: must be a demo on your primary personal website (NOT: a secondary site, demo deployment, other corp/school/org site, random github library - this is a challenge to get your stuff working on your public personal site - if you won't put it on yours, why should anyone else on theirs?)
  9. Explanation of today (brainstorming sessions) vs tomorrow (hack sessions)
  10. Intro to how Barcamp sessions are scheduled (write THREE THINGS on a notecard: 1. session name, 2. your name, 3. session #hashtag - used for tagging and etherpad.indiewebcamp.com/hashtag)
  11. Session scheduling!
  12. Camp leaders call *start your sessions* at start time



See Also