2015/Microformats as the Database
Microformats as the Database was one of several IndieWebCamp 2015 Brainstorming sessions.
Archived from: http://etherpad.indiewebcamp.com/microformatdb
IndieWebCamp 2015 Portland session 17:30
Microformats as database
or storing your content in HTML+microformats flat files
led by emmak
Tantek Γelik
Emma Kuo
- Sarah
- Tyson
- Caroline
- ???
- yourmom.io
- Jeff
- Bryan
Emma uses one microformats static file per post
Evolution of her site:
* diagram showing original flow SSG = static site generator HTML = HTML+microformats Markdown -> SSG -> HTML HTML -> mfparser -> obj -> template (+header+footer) -> HTML Next: mfparser -> obj-> template -> HTML \ ^----------------------------------/ Next: what if we use micropub as input to this: quill/ownyourgram -> micropub -> obj -> template -> HTML \ ^-mfparser-------------/
If you receive a webmention it also feeds into the mfparser which then feeds into the obj.
The HTML is the canonical copy/storage of the data.
This way you leverage the code you already would have had to build to process comments to your posts.
Do you produce any feed files like Atom or RSS? No.
And no one has bugged you to produce it? No.
Tantek showed his static HTML site storage flow as well.