IndieEmail was a session at IndieWebCamp LA 2016.
Notes archived from: https://etherpad.indieweb.org/indieemail
IndieWebCamp LA 2016 Session: #IndieEmail Date and Time: 2016-11-05 13:45
- Jeremy Keith adactio.com (session facilitator)
David Shanske
Chris Aldrich
- Asher
- Tantek.com
- Jocelyn Simpson
- Michael Kirk
- Rachel Upshaw
- Neal Fultz
Feedburner exists and still allows people to subscribe to RSS via email
H-entry can be used to create RSS
Jeremy draws a diagram
h-entry to RSS to Feedburner to email
Breakdown of the problem
- 1:1 email
- mailchimp has free RSS to Email service ( https://indieweb.org/this-week/feed.xml )
- awebber
- converkit
- constant contact
- postmatic (WordPress specific - used by GWG)
- many:1 email digest
How can one allow people to reply to one of these emails and convert to webmention to post back to someone's site
- questo.email
- quill has email to micropub
- wordpress has post by email, arbitrary string @ domain
- listserv?
- ifttt.com to trigger emails
- or to
- π snailmail ( https://lob.com/services/postcards )
- mobi ebook (calibre) ( https://kdp.amazon.com/help?topicId=A1RGGPBKDR1BPZ )
- web push notifications (pushpad.xyz)
- or to
Is anyone posting an email to their website and then sending a copy to a mailing list?