Mobile Dev was a session at IndieWebCamp LA 2016.
Notes archived from: https://etherpad.indieweb.org/mobiledev
IndieWebCamp LA, Santa Monica, CA 2016 Session: #mobiledev Date and Time: 2016-11-05 13:00
- Jeffrey http://rey.sc
- Asher http://ashersilberman.com
Tantek Γelik
- How does it change how you make a website if you can only edit on your mobile phone?
Terminal Emulator
Have a VPS that you develop on, use your device to go into it
Use-case: 12 year old code, with a phone or just an iPod, and nothing else, but wants to create a website
- Filesystem (could use server)
- Option to make a website
- No view source (https://addons.mozilla.org/en-US/android/addon/view-source-mobile/)
- bluetooth keyboard
Options for creating things on mobile:
- Github pages (free)
- mediawiki (requires setup on a server)
- jsbin
- etherpad as text editor
- hyperdev.com
- http://flexboxfroggy.com/
- thimble.mozilla.org
- https://indieweb.org/Getting_Started
Fear: kid doesn't even know that making a website is an option
Biggest roadblock: ???
Gateways of the past: MySpace textarea
You can edit Wikipedia on mobile
Ipads can edit etherpad also (typed from an iPad)
Need a service or guide
You can't write a piece of software on your phone, for your phone.
But maybe you can create a mobile website on your phone for your phone.
You should be able to run your webserver on your phone
Put all the logic in Javascript
Getting Started
Trying to do that on mobile - where do you get stuck?
Looks like joining indieweb chat works (from indieweb.org homepage)
Trying domain registration now
Should this be something that domain name registrars provide?
ssh clients for phones
- Prompt (https://www.panic.com/prompt/)
- Mosh https://mosh.org/#getting
Coda is a package that includes prompt