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Attendee Introductions at IndieWeb Summit 2017.
- ▶️ YouTube video (46:42)
- IRC Chat, starting with remote attendees, 11:40 PDT.
Remote Attendees
Remote attendees introduced themselves in chat.
Michael Bishop
I'm Michael Bishop, http://miklb.com. I use WordPress now but started indieweb stuff on Jekyll.
Sven Knebel
I'm Sven (Sven Knebel), http://svenknebel.de/. I'm writing my own blog system and currently struggling with "what do I actually want to use it for?". Also currently working on Kaja, IRC/wiki-editing bot. help run HWC Berlin
Sebastiaan Andeweg
I'm Sebastiaan Andeweg, http://seblog.nl/. I've had my domain for a long time, but it has been silent for quite a while and I'm glad to have IndieWeb make it noisy again :) using a modified Kirby CMS now.
Mark Hendrickson
I'm Mark Hendrickson, http://markmhendrickson.com, a designer / developer / PM for startups originally from San Francisco but now living in Barcelona, Spain for a few years now. My main IndieWeb project is Neotoma (https://github.com/neotoma), a PESOS-style consumer app to empower users to easily sync all of their silo data historically and going forward to their cloud storage of choice (Dropbox etc).
Martijn van der Ven
I’m Martijn van der Ven, http://vanderven.se/martijn/. I am probably better known as just Zegnat here on the chat. I have a task list up on http://wiki.zegnat.net/iws-task-list for this weekend. I also host the Virtual Homebrew Website Club on CEST time (upcoming Wednesday people!)
Planning to do a lot of community wrangling and outreach to organisers, so if that is something you are interested in helping with hit me.
Calum Ryan
I’m Calum Ryan, http://calumryan.com. I’ve written my own CMS in PHP for notes and IndieWeb features like sending Webmentions and Micropub for Instagram/Swarm. The rest of my site containing blog posts is rendered in Jekyll. I’ve organised Homebrew Website Club London for the past year
Kyle Mahan
Hi I'm Kyle Mahan, https://kylewm.com. I've been AWOL for a while, catching up on what's going on in the community :) Good to see you all, albeit remotely. Exciting to see many people I don't recognize.
Jonny Barnes
I’m Jonny Barnes, my site is at http://jonnybarnes.uk, it's written with the Laravel framework. Just recently got my micropub endpoint to work with OwnYourSwarm and OwnYourGram, though I need to fix the published date for ownyourswarm, I’ll checkin somewhere with the Swarm app, then goto my site and see the post say it happened “58 minutes from now”
Chris Aldrich
Hi everyone, I'm Chris Aldrich, http://boffosocko.com (WordPress), http://stream.boffosocko.com (Known). I like to try to break all the things. I also apparently like rel=me.
Aaron Patterson
Hi! I'm Aaron, http://aaroncommand.com.
- Hybrid dev/biz guy. Founded a WordPress dev agency and a travel site.
- "Gen 1"
- Found out about IndieWeb this year through media coverage and Tantek, very exciting. Currently in info-absorbing mode.
- Conference goal: learn more, launch a personal Indiewebified WP site, and stop posting to Facebook directly.
- The challenge that excites me the most: pushing this stuff out to Gens 3 and 4
- Also, resident in Bangkok where it's 2am. So likely to pass out before the day ends 😛
Sebastian Lasse
Hello IndieWeb - Sebastian Lasse here, a journalist, photojournalist, documentary producer from Germany. My page is http://sebastianlasse.de but it is pretty old. I'll update it in a 100days challenge. Elsewhere http://plus.google.com/+SebastianLasse - I am currently developing a decentralized CMS on Node.js : "redaktor" /cc. markmhendrickso
1-minute lightning intros!
Tantek Çelik
Tantek Çelik, http://tantek.com
- most recent thing was improved RSVP support
- tantek writes text posts, has a composite feed, and manual feed
Aaron Parecki
Aaron Parecki, http://aaronpk.com
- little bio section, then recent posts
- last thing he got working (IWC germany): little blue dot that shows that he is still at the location of his checkin
- homepage has a thumbnail map that can zoom into his location, stolen from “old Flickr”
Josh Juran
- http://v68k.org
- most recent change: static image from emulation will be replaced by animated gif on mouse hover
- animation is only there when you want it
- also metamage.com
- has collapsible sections on the resume
Scott Jenson
- Scott Jenson, http://jenson.org
- slow publish of articles; 4 to 6 per year to form a book.
- each article is 1500-2000 words
- that's all he does on his site currently; “edge corner” of indieweb
- website was redone to do the indieweb stuff, but turned off; couldn't keep up
Johannes Ernst
- Johannes Ernst, http://upon2020.com
- ubos.net is being shown
- single command for running a WP/known site on the linux distro UBOS
- command can add https et al
Jonathan LeCour
Jonathan LaCour, http://cleverdevil.io
- got into indieweb as dreamhost employee
- his site runs Known
- new things: “on this day” feature
- shows that a year ago he was watching Raiders of the Lost Ark
- does a live demo of starting to watch a video on his phone
- shows up on his website that he watched E.T.
Ward Cunningham
- Ward Cunningham, https://ward.fed.wiki.org
- he built Smallest Federated Wiki about 6 years ago at IndieWebCamp
- uses the federated wiki himself, has notes on lots of things
Marty McGuire
Marty McGuire, https://martymcgui.re
- Added check-ins yesterday through ownyourswarm
- He also makes the This Week in the IndieWeb Audio Edition
- “more that can be done with audio on the web”
gRegor Morrill
gRegor Morrill, https://gregorlove.com
- showing event posts
- has been posting indie events for Homebrew Website Club Bellingham
- RSVP support was recently added. Both FB and Indie RSVPs show up
- demo URL: https://gregorlove.com/2017/06/homebrew-website-club/
Doug Beal
dougbeal, http://dougbeal.com
- month old WordPress installation
- OwnYourSwarm and OwnYourGram are being used
- Swarm checkin with picture shows up as photo
Lillian Karabaic, http://anomalily.net
- has been told her site is “on brand”
- shows checkins on her site
Ben Werdmuller
Ben Werdmüller, https://werd.io
- latest thing he did with his site was “making is secure”
- chickens!
- added
Jonathan LaCour's Watching for Known plugin
Grant Richmond
- http://grant.codes
- added location geo codes to his timeline
- Likes pull in photos from reddit/facebook/twitter
Jim Pick
Jim Pick, http://jimpick.com
- last blog post was last year's IWS
- subsite set-up yesterday using Beaker Browser: https://dat.jimpick.com
- he can show people how that worked
John Allsopp
- http://johnfallsopp.com
- http://webdirections.org/livetranscripts/livetranscriptVimeo.html
- wants to make video more accessible
- deep linking video through transcripts
Victoria Wang
- https://victoria.neocities.org
- works at Mozilla PDX
- part of the Neocities team
- shows neocities.org; has a friendly cat to show what HTML is
Jean Macdonald
- http://welltempered.net
- http://macgenie.micro.blog
- joined with manton to work on micro.blog
- Used it mostly as Twitter front-end
- http://jean.micro.blog was just started
- Where she will be blogging in 280-character bits
- this should be the least amount of friction
Mike Sugarbaker
- http://gibberish.com
- hearing your WordPress is hacked during a call lets you quickly switch to static
- has h-feed on his homepage now
Amit Patel
- http://www.redblobgames.com
- writes long form, interactive content
- play with things to learn algorithms
- has to be able to run his own things for this; Twitter and silos would never work
- Shows a tutorial about making interactive tutorials: http://www.redblobgames.com/making-of/line-drawing/
- Trying to help people make things
Mike Caulfield
- http://digipo.io
- runs a cross-institutional web literacy project to teach students to investigate truth of things they find on the web
- Python static site generation from Google Docs written by students.
Jack Jamieson
- http://jackjamieson.net
- is not loading right now
- last thing he got working was indie RSVP so he could come here
Pete Forsyth
- http://www.peteforsyth.com/
- Nothing technically interesting done recently
- But does have a federated wiki page: http://forsythcriteria.bay.wiki.org
- I'm thinking about conditions that make a website/space that support effective collaboration. Trying to draw some lessons from what has made Wikipedia work.
- Just shared my rough-around-the-edges page on conditions for effective collaboration at #indieweb. Feedback welcome: http://forsythcriteria.bay.wiki.org/view/welcome-visitors/view/forsyth-criteria
Michelle JL
- http://michellejl.com
- made the website because a job required a Angular site
- went to Homebrew Website Club to rebuild her site, and was talked into IWS
- “the system works” -
Ryan Barrett
Sebastian Kippe
- http://sebastian.kip.pe
- one of the german Sebastians
- set-up Known 2 years ago and “does all the normal things”
- last improvement was to add a plugin for syncing to Mastodon
- Tom has no website to show, but is here to learn
- Mostly does marketing and storytelling. Works at a university in NE Portland.
- Help information security teams
David Shanske
David Shanske http://david.shanske.com
- wants to be called out if he does not post anything on his site in the next 24 hours
- RSVPed to this event recently, and then found a bug in RSVP
- refers to
Chris Aldrich instead of his own site to see his products in work
- responsible for WordPress plugins: Post Kinds, Syndication Links; contributes to Webmention and Semantic Linkbacks plugins
Mitch Kiah
- been trying to get back control of digital life by running lots of open source software. what I've been finding is there's only so many open source projects to do what you want.
- has nextcloud / wallabag / gog server, but getting to the point where he wants to write his own stuff
- hopefully by tomorrow I'll have something on http://pseudo.coffee rather than just blank
Tom Brown
- http://herestomwiththeweather.com
- last post: step-by-step on Jekyll and Netlify, and how he set-up webmentions with it
- Link to clean GitHub repo with TravisCI webmentions work
Chris (or John Henry)
- Goes by John Henry online sometimes
- currently redoing his personal website, so showing a little side project:
- http://decentralize.tech Trying to catalog a bunch of different open web/decentralized web projects, curate best resources/advocacy
- latest thing he accomplished was a replacement for jQuery's slide-down function.
- http://strugee.net
- http://strugee.net/blog has h-entry and h-card and h-feed
- also maintains pump.io
- involved in SocialWG at W3
- last indieweb thing (in theory) is POSSE via Bridgy, but does not know if it works yet since he did it literally moments before
Anton Podviaznikov
- http://podviaznikov.com
- shows basic blog posts
- started posting reviews to his own site instead of to Goodreads
- also posts quotes and highlights
- page with all quotes from all books, but might “not be legal”
- shows a now page to see what he is doing right now
- "she can't be here because she's busy hanging out in a box"
- This is Dora, http://indiewebcat.com
- She posts pictures of fun things she does all day
- Could not be here today
- She also posts what she eats: http://indiewebcat.com/ate and her weight: http://indiewebcat.com/weight