Licenses in IndieWeb was a session at IndieWebCamp Nuremberg 2017.
Notes archived from: https://etherpad.indieweb.org/law
Video available at: YouTube
IndieWebCamp Nuremberg 2017
Session: Licenses in IndieWeb
When: 2017-05-20 15:30
Sebastian Greger
Jeremy Cherfas
- Sven Knebel
Jan Sauer
Sebastiaan Andeweg
Jeremy Keith
Calum Ryan
Aaron Parecki
- Jan: Motivation for Session:
- implementing webmention comment display
- it fetches stuff from another site without permission, how does that work with copyright?
- traditional comments are clearly made on a site, not transfered
- idea: create specific "license" to allow
- example: leistungsschutzrecht for news. Some newspapers opt out to be linked
- sebastianlasse: In terms of such vocabulary properties these 12 are the concencus in "media" http://dublincore.org/documents/dces/
- scope of licenses is interesting. For encoding it on pages rel= exists, but licenses entire page (e..g. design. might not be wanted)
- microformat could do this for parts of a page, e.g. text
- could we just get started by including u-license in our webmentions
- u-license would add license to a particular h-entry or h-card
- rel="license" can still be used for licenseing an entire page (this then includes also the visuals, design, frontend code etc.?)
- Interesting note on #law, Tantek puts a text on his Facebook that informs commenters that comments might be mirrored on his site.
- GDPR - General Data Protection Regulation
- https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/General_Data_Protection_Regulation
- What services would be covered? Bridgy?
- Anyone parsing personal data (which, according to EU includes email addresses), which parsing h-card is, would need to stick to GDPR.
Brainstorm Mark-up
- http://microformats.org/wiki/rel-license - applies to the entire page, as documented.
- http://microformats.org/wiki/rel-license-issues - issues have also been documented already.
- Brainstorming has already happened on http://microformats.org/wiki/licensing
There are IDs for licenses: https://spdx.org/licenses/
what properites of a post are needed to be used adactio: shows always URL, if h-entry if applicable title, content. if h-card: show name, NOT photo calum: url, content excerpt/summary, title? aaronpk: authorname, photo, link, title, first +500chars of content if no name (some html is allowed in comments) sgreger: full text if webmention, excerpt otherwise jeremycherfas: text, no photo again, difference bridgy/non-bridgy
- What would need to be licensed?
- URL should never be under copyright, http://academlib.com/4261/law/web_links_just_urls_copyrightable
- Content (this includes titles) are part of a work, and are definitely copyrightable.
- Using an excerpt makes a fair use argument more obvious, but is still using copyrightable text.
- Photo. Is complicated. Copyright, by default, goes to the person who made the photo. That might not even be the person who owns the h-card.
- Names should not be copyrightable. Names are, however, personal information. This means the identified person might still hold rights over your usage of the name.
- Laws like GDPR and several local right-to-be-forgotton laws could apply.
This session was broadcasted live on the IndieWebCamp YouTube channel.