
From IndieWeb

Building Blocks (draw it/diagram it) was a session at IndieWebCamp Baltimore 2018.

Video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=h5_lRiQZZsY

Notes archived from: https://etherpad.indieweb.org/showmeindie

IndieWebCamp Baltimore 2018

Session: Building Blocks, Visually, Diagrammy (#showmeindie)

When: 2018-01-20 14:10



We'd like to visualize what servers/services play a part in the IndieWeb, what data they hold, what protocols they use to move which data around.

My Accounts

  • Twitter
  • Instagram
  • Facebook

My Site

  • on a server
  • has a URL
  • some static content (e.g. /static)
  • some dynamic content (e.g. /blog, maybe in a database)
  • an example post /microblog
    • stored in my server
    • how does it get to Twitter? Or others? Many possibilities.

Do we want to always POSSE everywhere? Sometimes now.

Example case: "I post a cat picture for all three silos".

Starting with: "i posted a picture post to my site, pointing to an image called picture.jpg"

  • there's a wrench in the system already, because Instagram has no API to post images *to* Instagram.
    • but it *can* go the other way:
      • a "thing" (Instawatcherβ„’) watches your instagram feed
        • we think of it as a black box because there are many ways to scrape your instagram and it really doesn't matter how you get the new post data as long as you get it.
      • it knows how to add posts to your website. there are many ways to do that, but micropub is the most common among indieweb folks.
      • this is PESOS - publish elsewhere, syndicate to your own site

Twitter and Facebook both have posting APIs. Once that new photo post arrives at your website, they can be copied to those silos.

  • this is the POSSE model - publish on your own site, syndicate elsewhere
  • there are several ways this could happen.
    • your site could use Twitter and FB APIs directly
    • an external service can watch your site grab the new content, and make platform-native API calls to syndicate that post. (e.g. IFTTT, bridgy publish)
      1. "hey bridgy, i posted this URL"
      2. bridgy fetches that URL and parses content using microformats
      3. bridgy has oauth tokens for your Twitter, Facebook account because you did the login dance there, so it uses platform-native API calls to post that content on your behalf.
    • silo.pub is an API service that takes micropub requests and makes platform-native API calls
      • you oauth it so it has a token for your Twitter, FB, whatever.
      • you oauth your site's server so it has tokens to silo.pub
        • each of your accounts is a different silo.pub identity
      • your server sends a micropub request for each silo where you want the post to appear

A new building block came up: "posts elsewhere", aka the syndication links. These are the links to the post on each silo that corresponds to the "original" on your website.

  • the instagram poster is going to give your site that URL directly because that's where the post came from originally
  • bridgy publish will make the silo post and then give you back the URL of the new post on Twitter or FB
  • silo.pub returns the URL to the syndicated post as part of the micropub

photo of the whiteboard: screenshot

^^^ That's publishing. Let's talk responses, now.

I have my site on a server, with a cat photo post, which has a URL like /cat-photo

  1. Marty sees this post and wants to reply with 😻. He makes a "reply" post on his own site /marty-likes-cat-photo with "😻" content, and a link to /cat-photo
  2. Marty sends a webmention.
    • First, he needs to know WHERE to send the webmention. He fetches /cat-photo and looks for a <link rel="webmention" href="/some-url-where-you-want-webmentions" />
    • Once he knows that, he POSTs to /some-url-where-you-want-webmentions with:
      • target=/cat-photo
      • source=/marty-likes-cat-photo

My site will verify that webmention, but after that, it can do whatever it wants with that webmention!

  • send me a notification to my phone
  • display it on /cat-photo
  • store it somewhere
  • do nothing!

This now expands out to silos with a service like brid.gy

  • brid.gy watches Twitter and Facebook and looks for posts that mention your post
  • it creates a little proxy page about that post
    • contains the actual details like "this post came from this URL and it's a like of your post"
  • it sends you a webmention with that proxy page as a source
    • your webmention handler should look in the microformats and find the canonical URL to make sure you're not linking back to bridgy's proxy.
    • proxies like this could be used for spam, so source vs canonical URL should be flagged

photo of the whiteboard: screenshot