Data Portability was a session at IndieWebCamp NYC 2018.
Notes archived from: https://etherpad.indieweb.org/dataportability
IndieWebCamp NYC 2018
Session: dataportability
When: 2018-09-28 15:05
- Rachel Tannenbaum (facilitator), senior software engineer, Google
dougbeal (remote)
Greg McVerry
Aaron Parecki
Jason McIntosh
Chris Aldrich (remote)
Tantek Γelik
gRegor Morrill (remote)
Ryan Barrett (remote)
- Data Liberation Front from Google launched Takeout in 2008
- wants to add service to to service transer
- gather input
- Google Takeout
- export to zip or tar
- export to cloud
- GitHub repository for the project: https://github.com/google/data-transfer-project
- Use Cases
- discovers new service wants to import
- user wants to stop and wants their data
- transfer between download and upload
- many more
- these use cases are after the fact , why not start from our sites to our servies
- I want to use services like Google photo recognition but not store my photos of Google
- Not just export, but on the import. All of the use cases are after the fact, portability can start at publish from my site.
- Google treats the photo as a copy and knows it is originally on our websites
- micropub would allow for greater portability
- sync between services
- Ability to have Creative Commons or other licensing to follow the content along
- If I put a video on YouTube with a CC-By license (an option) no one can actually remix and adapt because downloading the video may violate YouTube's ToS.
- What is data transfer project
- connect any two online services
- enable user data transfer
- Example
- Twitter photos
- SmugMug/Flickr
- email to email
- Prototype
- Google Dashboard (not production) will have a data transfer button
- the metadata and media came on
- there is a white paper
- Questions
- what about comments
- not sure what is in the common model
Ryan Barrett really wants comments in data transfer project. Re: comment ownership, legalities, etc mentioned:
- https://indieweb.org/backfeed#Storage.2C_legal.2C_data_ownership.2C_UX... - discussion on legality and other issues related to storing others' comments/responses to your posts