Learn to Build was a session at IndieWebCamp NYC 2018.
Notes archived from: https://etherpad.indieweb.org/learntobuild
Video: tbd
IndieWebCamp NYC 2018
Session: #learntobuild
When: 2018-09-28 16:00
Learn to Build Your Own Website
Greg McVerry (moderator)
Tantek Γelik
- Tiara
- Sandesh
David Shanske
Marty McGuire
- push-button way to start a website
- getting started with wordpress
- DIY on glitch.com
Intro to HTML static sites on glitch.com.
- visits on glitch and forks to a new project ( https://glitch.com/edit/#ivory-policeman )
- finds a blank meme image on imgflip.com
- opens index.html source to his new project on glitch
- finds the meme img tag and replaces the source.
Glitch is maybe having issues / being slow today.
jgmac1106: Glitch is a great introduction to what building a website is all about: remixing existing sites, features on those sites, etc. There are many more complicated and powerful ways, but it always comes down to this.
Next up: micro.blog
shows jgmac1106.micro.blog features
- about me page
- micro posts
- Micro.blog has a social fee....and you can import from WordPress. You can also import feed from an external site to be part of their community
Second option is WordPress.com.
WordPress.com is maintained by Automattic and is a paid service for WordPress hosting. There are competing WordPress hosts WordPress.org is an open source project you can install anywhere.
WordPress.com will let you set up a free account as a subdomain of wordpress.com but it is limited on installation of Indieweb plugins without larger payments. There are other hosting companies that will at a lower price.
Hosted WordPress - {{jgmac1106]} demoes his host, Reclaim hosting and its one-click WordPress site setup.
- WordPress has a theme repository of thousands of open themes you can choose from
Installing Indieweb Plugins...startting with a plugin called Indieweb, which advises you on other Indieweb plugins that are recommended. or required.
Post Types are called Kinds in WordPress because post types is a WordPress thing.
- Demonstrates using the Post Editor in WordPress with the Post Kinds plugin to send a replty to another site, and the reply appeared as a comment
- Experimental Follow Post
You learn to code/write HTML etc by copy/pasting/modifying from other sources. You can, if you want a more dynamic site for your social feed and a more static site for your identity.