IndieWeb for Education was a session at IndieWeb Summit 2018.
Notes archived from: https://etherpad.indieweb.org/education
Video: βΆοΈ 37:40s
IndieWeb Summit 2018
Session: #indieweb in education
When: 2018-06-26 14:15
Chris Aldrich
David Shanske
- Nate Angell works for Hypothes.is
Jack Jamieson
Greg McVerry
Jean MacDonald https://micro.welltempered.net
- Michelle Levine
- Mathew Lipincott (Ren project),
- Lovi Siol ethnobotany; background in plant sciences
Use Cases
Chris Aldrich As a researcher I want a repository of all my research work product
- Michelle shares a story of an art student who lost all the rights to her artwork because of the LMS system used by the university
Greg McVerry its about privacy through data empowerment
Chris Aldrich I started the IndieWeb for Education wiki page and consult in higher ed
David Shanske I teach employees but have a teaching license and a MLS and am still interested in education.
- Nate Angell Long worked in edtech, including at OMSI, Portland State, with open source projects like http://sakaiproject.org, currently https://web.hypothes.is, which is used mostly in education
- Lovi -I am an amateur educator. I teach through volunteering. I got into being a geek since
- I could not manage my plant databases
Jack Jamieson I am interested in the WordPress experience for higher ed
- Jean-I am interested in the institutional and informal places
- Lovi tells a story of losing a domain. Greg shares the story of losing femhack.tech
- Is owning a domain the right first step in education?
- there are push button apps
Related Communities/Efforts/Movements
- A Domain of One's Own (#DoOO)
- Play off of Virginai Wolf's "A Room of One's Own"
Use Cases
- [portfolio|portfolios]]
- ProfHacker Blog for the Chronicle of Higher Education
- WordPress
- Known
- static site
- Globe.gov
- Drupal with custom page for Drupal for Eductation
- Glitch-let's get all the parts to building an IndieWeb CMS or SSG onto Glitchm=, heck most of it might already be there
- PressBooks through Berkeley -- accounts for everyone in the system
- Story of someone who lost their domain and needs to reaquire it
- App Camp for Girls - don't do web design and focus more on app
- progressive web apps
Wrap Up Goals
- Lovi- I nam working on outbound webmentions
Chris Aldrich I want to build a series of post for ProHacker
- Jean I am going to continue my indiewebing goal
David Shanske I get the impression I will be h
Jack Jamieson