
From IndieWeb

IndieWeb for Education was a session at IndieWeb Summit 2018.

Notes archived from: https://etherpad.indieweb.org/education

Video: ▢️37:40s

IndieWeb Summit 2018
Session: #indieweb in education
When: 2018-06-26 14:15


Use Cases

  • Chris Aldrich As a researcher I want a repository of all my research work product
  • Michelle shares a story of an art student who lost all the rights to her artwork because of the LMS system used by the university
  • Greg McVerry its about privacy through data empowerment


  • Chris Aldrich I started the IndieWeb for Education wiki page and consult in higher ed
  • David Shanske I teach employees but have a teaching license and a MLS and am still interested in education.
  • Nate Angell Long worked in edtech, including at OMSI, Portland State, with open source projects like http://sakaiproject.org, currently https://web.hypothes.is, which is used mostly in education
  • Lovi -I am an amateur educator. I teach through volunteering. I got into being a geek since
    • I could not manage my plant databases
  • Jack Jamieson I am interested in the WordPress experience for higher ed
  • Jean-I am interested in the institutional and informal places
  • Lovi tells a story of losing a domain. Greg shares the story of losing femhack.tech
  • Is owning a domain the right first step in education?
  • there are push button apps

Related Communities/Efforts/Movements

  • A Domain of One's Own (#DoOO)
    • Play off of Virginai Wolf's "A Room of One's Own"

Use Cases

  • [portfolio|portfolios]]


  • ProfHacker Blog for the Chronicle of Higher Education



  • Story of someone who lost their domain and needs to reaquire it
  • App Camp for Girls - don't do web design and focus more on app
    • progressive web apps

Wrap Up Goals

  • Lovi- I nam working on outbound webmentions
  • Chris Aldrich I want to build a series of post for ProHacker
  • Jean I am going to continue my indiewebing goal
  • David Shanske I get the impression I will be h
  • Jack Jamieson

See Also