Attendee Introductions at IndieWebCamp Austin 2019.
- Watch โถ๏ธ 51:36s
- Chat logs starting at 10:26 CST
Manton Reece
Manton Reece
- https://manton.org
- blogging for about 17 years
- used a few things over the years. Userland, Movable Type, WordPress, then last year switched to micro.blog
- tries to keep short posts under 280 characters so they look good on Twitter
- doesn't have any major things he wants to do. Added categories to micro.blog recently, so might work on categorizing posts
- documenting his travel budgets
- posts photos, has done some 30-day projects - new coffee shop every day and libraries (book libraries. Like paper.) https://manton.org/30-days/
Stephen Bowling
- https://stephenbowling.com
- connected to micro.blog to cross post to Twitter
- likes to have the content on his site bc services go away
- uses CraftCMS
- writes long-form posts on technical topics
- brings in photos from Instagram, scraping their JSON feed
- interested in location tracking. Has 8 years of data via the Moves app
- site was set up to import from Moves, but that app is shutdown now
- using aaronpk's app, Overland
- has a micropub plugin for CraftCMS
Aneel Nazareth
- http://navelgazing.omphaloskeptic.net
- posts maps and annotates them for road trips and other location tracking
- looking into Leaflet JS
Tara Vancil
- https://taravancil.com/
- posts nail photos
- site lags behind Instagram because IG UI is so nice
- manually scraping images and putting in blog
David Millar
๐ฎ Taco ๐ฎ Dave ๐ฎ
- http://davegoesthedistance.com
- "I have sort of a million and a half domain names"
- oldest is http://thegriddle.net, 13 years old. posts puzzles like Sudoku
- redesigning the site, wants to add more indieweb building blocks like webmention
- thinking about a webmention-based puzzle answer verification process
- also has http://allthetacos.com to track tacos he eats
- hosted on Tumblr with custom domain. Another goal is to move it off tumblr
Rayna Harris
- http://raynamharris.github.io
- uses Jekyll theme
- links to social sites, CV, uses Markdown to build whole site
- she's a scientist, has publications and a blog on her site
- I Can Science project https://raynamharris.github.io/i_can_science/
David Shanske
David Shanske
- https://david.shanske.com
- showing Indigenous for Android
- it auto-suggests tags from your site
- has location, can query your site for location info. make location public or private
- posts a test post from the app, shows the post on his dev site with: map and weather
Aaron Parecki
Aaron Parecki
- https://aaronparecki.com
- has a "currently in" bar at the top of his site, showing "Austin, TX" currently, via Overland
- shows his photos page, describes OwnYourGram
- count is up to 20k+ photos "rescued from instagram" for OwnYourGram as a whole
- added his photo on his reply posts so it's clearer it's something he wrote
- Didn't want to go into much detail on the stream, willing to offline
- Would like to see a curation layer on top of all this stuff, so good stuff rises to the top in public conversations online
- would prefer people pay a penny for content rather than advertising.
- has about 50 domains which he hasn't been doing much with
- working on a way to deploy kubernetes stats easily if you're not familiar
- kubash.org
- texasnorml.org
- conversations this site posts on Facebook are being filtered, hidden due to political nature
gRegor Morrill
gRegor Morrill
- https://gregorlove.com
- has been blogging for a long time
- working on a CSS Grid version of my articles archive page
Tom Brown
- https://herestomwiththeweather.com
- shows https://effaustin.org with webmentions on posts. Uses
David Shanske's fork of WordPress twentysixteen theme
- had to install the WordPress Classic editor to keep Post Kinds working
- http://constantine.su
- has media queries so when you zoom in the layout changes
- mdoc.su url shortener
Tantek รelik
- http://tantek.com
- tries really hard to post almost all his content there
- all his own notes there since 2010, photos since ?, and github issue comments since last year
- has had the left/right navigation arrows on posts for quite a while.
- recently added navigation between days (not exposed in UI yet)
- trim the URL to the day path and the arrows change to navigate by day (I think?)
- introduced himself. No website, will be photographing and videoing this weekend.
Chris Aldrich (remote)
Chris Aldrich
- As a remote participant, I'm Chris Aldrich and my site is at https://boffosocko.com. The last thing I added to my site is a Followers Page at https://boffosocko.com/about/followers/. It accepts webmentions from people who indicate they follow my site online.
- Chris posts a lot of stuff