Storage is Hard (and Backups too) was a session at IndieWebCamp Düsseldorf 2019.
Watch: ▶️ 48:38s
Notes archived from: https://etherpad.indieweb.org/storage
IndieWebCamp Düsseldorf 2019
Session: Storage is Hard (and Backups too)
When: 2019-05-11 15:00
Sebastiaan Andeweg (session facilitator)
- www.sonniesedge.net
- andreas
- flaki
- justb3a.com
- webstefrickel
- Paul
Tantek Çelik
- Add yourself here… (see this for more details)
- we are arguing about text files vs databases.
- text files more searchable, exportable. Databases can do more complex data manipulation.
- why not databases / SQLite?
- story of WebSQL deprecation
- inspectability, scriptability of file system vs Sqlite file being versioned
- hybrid approach
- files as single source of truth
- database generated for index, searchability, can be deleted, and rebuilt
- evolution
- people start as flat files for ease of backup, simplicity of maintenance, longevity
- maybe they have a use-case for searching (e.g. how many times checked into Düsseldorf?) and write code
- eventually maybe add a database for caching / performance
- file structures
- one per post (many people), variants: folder per post (sebsel, webstefrickel), file per post plus folder (aaronpk)
- many posts per file - only
Tantek Çelik is doing in Falcon - for performance reasons, minimize file I/O for home page viewing, and permalink viewing. future: XHR for offline caching of posts