Personal Website Demos
Personal Website Demos at IndieWeb Summit 2019.
Tantek Çelik
Tantek Çelik, https://tantek.com
- Showing off his theme switcher.
Jamey Sharp
- https://jamey.thesharps.us/
- working on a reader
- https://github.com/jameysharp/reader-py
- http://reader.minilop.net/
Jared White
- https://jaredwhite.com
- slowly adding things to his site over the last year
- has a podcast on his own site, and quotes
- moving away from youtube to vimeo
- thinks vimeo is decent because you can pay for it and not have ads
Jared Ewy
- https://jared-ewy.squarespace.com
- took him so long to give up on HTML and use Squarespace... and that has been my talk.
- http://beesbuzz.biz/
- makes a lot of differnt types of content
- weren't many CMS that worked, so made Publ, http://publ.beesbuzz.biz/
- https://github.com/PlaidWeb/Publ
- https://github.com/PlaidWeb/publ-site
- http://mjordan.codes
- super exciting because now she has the same handle on all the things
- when you reload the page colors change
- all her own drawings
Andi Galpern
- https://www.andigalpern.com/
- founder of Cascade SF
- content writer for companies, curious if she can syndicate that even though it's owned by companies
Lillian Karabaic
- http://anomalily.net
- splitting her dynamic content away from static content
- http://anomalily.world has instagram and checkin posts
Johannes Ernst
- https://upon2020.com/blog/
- not showing website, just showing some boxes: UBOSbox
- runs Nextcloud
- at least one customer in the audience
- https://indiecomputing.com/
Jonathan LaCour
- https://cleverdevil.io/
- site built on Known
- recently added summary pages to browse by month
- summary of Switch gameplay
- things he watched, games played, podcasts listened to
- most important thing for him is memories
- Showed an example of his April 2019 summary https://cleverdevil.io/summary/2019/04
- all of his facebook, twitter, instagram is now on his site as far back as 2002
- memories are important. hold onto your identity; not encumbered by any silos
Micah Silverman
- https://afitnerd.com
- new to indieweb. works with
Aaron Parecki
- static site hosted on Netlify
- points to his Github repo. Has all files locally, could easily re-host it
- using Jekyll
- His avatar switches between a devil and an angel version.
- Happy to talk with anyone about Jekyll and Hugo
- working on an API for Keybase and Netlify
Kevin Ferguson
- http://debone.com
- shares music, animation and other IP
- shows an album he's releasing July 4
- has had Youtube and other accounts with 10k+ views, locked out of account but they still sell ads
- just learned about indieweb last week
- main reason he's showing his site is because he's gotten a lot of mileage out of just plain HTML
Darius Kazemi
- https://tinysubversions.com/
- uses Google Sheets as CMS
- Does a live post from Google Sheets. Easy to post from his phone
- http://tinysubversions.com/projects/
Mime Cuvalo
- https://nite-lite.net/
- showing reblogging to his site, mainly a photo blog, kind of Tumblr-ish
- Trying to make JS versoin of Bridgy Fed and Granary
- before indieweb was making tiny houses
Tomas Quinones
- https://tomasquinones.com/
- avid cyclict. Likes to put his tracks on a private heatmap
- would like to use [some API] to pull GPS data daily
- Showed off http://adventuring.bike/ as well.
Katie Johnson
- http://bellingham.design/
- product designer. Showing a website she helped build using Materialize
- peer mentoring program where people filled out a survey and matched with people with complimentary skills
- published the methodology so people could see if they wanted to participate
Malcolm Blaney
Jack Jamieson
- https://jackjamieson.net/
- showing WordPress admin for Yarns
- shows it in Together
- https://jackjamieson.net/yarns-microsub-server-getting-started-guide/
Dave Peck
- https://davepeck.org/
- excited and nervous to show his site
- super minimalist. Not a designer; focuses on text
- does some audio work on the site. Wanted to get audio inline with the content
- built a minimal player
- built on Jekyll
- interested in standing up a Micropub endpoint tied to static backend
Maxwell Joslyn
Sam Menza
Jacky Alcine
Jacky Alciné, https://jacky.wtf
- and a site he's rebuilding at https://v2.jacky.wtf/
- [later in demos] back up showing some things he would like to add to an IndieAuth-like service
Greg McVerry
Greg McVerry, http://www.jgregorymcverry.com/
- a couple "static" sites, then social stream on a Known site
- has a bunch of different feeds people can follow, posts frequently
- been experimenting with Kirby
- loves Kirby because it's flat files and PHP
- got his notes to work yesterday
- has cards and pagination now
Tiara Miller
Tiara Miller, http://tiaramiller.com/
- site is using Grav, not much on it now but wants to work on it this weekend
David Shanske
David Shanske, https://david.shanske.com/
- site is deliberatly spartan
- does a *lot* of WordPress plugin dev
- shows a packing list post, so if you steal his bag you know what you're getting
Don Park
- https://donp.org/
- showing off authorization and rel-me links
Aaron Parecki
Aaron Parecki, https://aaronparecki.com/
- last thing he added was optimizing posts that get lots of likes/interaction
- avatar images are now lazy loaded
- Thought it would work well for a reader too, so added it to Monocle
- see content faster and interact with it before images load, great for slow internet
Marty McGuire
Marty McGuire, https://martymcgui.re
- fixed website from earlier demo
- shows the live photo he posted earlier
Mitch Kiah
- couple domains but mostly uses http://psuedo.coffee
- Mitch will be working on filling in https://mitchkiah.com/
Ariana Lutterman
- building a design practice collective
- this is all very new. interested in building collective sites and what that looks like in the indieweb
- Domain at http://superorg.ca/
Remote Attendees
Chris Aldrich
I'm Chris Aldrich (attending remotely) and my website is https://boffosocko.com. Lately I've been doing some work to own my annotations online https://boffosocko.com/kind/annotation/
here's my chat-demo of my site, http://nuggit.nu! It's pretty old and the most recent thing I've done with it is my resume. I'm very active on FB, insta, and I have several secret journal-like tumblrs, it would be nice to gather it all in one place someday and own it all.
Jean Macdonald
I’m Jean and I’m said about missing the summit after two years attending. My site is at https://micro.welltempered.net/
Michael Bishop
Michael Bishop: I’m mostly lurking this weekend but hope to be putting in some time working on https://github.com/miklb/jekyll-indieweb if anyone is Jekyll-curious
Martijn van der Ven
Martijn van der Ven: Hi 👋 I’m https://vanderven.se/martijn/ . We’ve done a small experimental IWC in Sweden today, and have just watched all your intros at the venue :) I’ll probably be around a little longer, lets see if any of the sessions scratch an itch
Sven Knebel
Sven Knebel: Hi! https://www.svenknebel.de, also currently at the Sweden mini-IWC
See Also