Demos for IndieWebCamp NYC 2019 took place October 6, 2019.
Marty McGuire
Marty McGuire https://martymcgui.re
- https://schmarty.net/stickpix
- had his goal of a Micropub Snapchatesque filter app called Stickpix
- Marty is a bunny on screen.
- he added a button called snap it, it creates an image tag in the page using a data url you can right click, view it if you want, save it to your computer
- Halfway to putting it in a micropub client
Tiara Miller
Tiara Miller
- Brought back tiaramiller.com
- It is a Hugo site
- And she made a badge.
Teon Brooks
- teonbrooks.github.io is now https://teonian.com and it is https
- GWG The other thing is that...visiting Indiewebify.me....the site has an h-card works.
Nicole Shadowen
- Got a domain name https://nicoleshadowen.com
- She uses technology to make the world a better place for humans
- She also POSSEd her first tweet using Bridgy
- She did it manually, but she'd like to fix that
- Wants ideas on how to be more visual in her presentation of written material
Dmitri Shuralyov
- https://dmitri.shuralyov.com
- He uses Github as his login provider, but wanted to try to add IndieAuth.
- Now, on his staging instance, via Indielogin.com, he is letting people login via their website.
- Learned a lot about IndieAuth, but needs cleanup before deployment
Tantek Çelik
Tantek Çelik, https://tantek.com
- First, we are visiting event
- He has done things on the wiki
- First, he had difficulty figuring out what to do, so he braindumped ideas about events
- He added notes on better support for invitations and who is attending an event in the brainstorming section, working backward from what it would look like when it reached twitter
- Considering adding in the next iteration fun icons
- Hopes to automatically add invitees and such
- Then, started working on how to generate invitations and documented existing examples.
- Did not come to a conclusion, but made progress.
- In the last 30 minutes, he tried to add something to his website...
- Added a webmention form "Got an Indie RSVP" on his event pages
- He only shows the form on events as he doesn't show webmentions otherwise
- https://zephnet.biz
- Picture of cat and forearm
- Added LetsEncrypt cert
- Page shows
Aaron Parecki on twitter
- He'll fix it... live!
- Picture of dog with glasses
Doug Beal
dougbeal, https://dougbeal.com
- Demoing remotely
- He has a WordPress site
- He keeps forgetting to add u-photo to his classes. He did it automatically
- Trying to make HWC Seattle more often, so has a Hugo site for this. Has not yet deployed it
- The URL will hopefully be indieweb.seattle.wa.us. He will apply for that. Until then: https://hwc.dougbeal.com
David Shanske
David Shanske, https://david.shanske.com
- dev site https://wpdev.gwg.us/
- shows location info in the sidebar. it's current! shows whether it's light out based on altitude, even.
- also can show a tiny map!
- also: a wordpress starter theme with microformats
- also: downloaded an android app for adding EXIF metadata to images and then started working on making that metadata show up on his site.
- went through three different plugins and made three different updates
- can now take photo on his phone, add a description, then upload to his site from his phone.
- uploads via micropub (indigenous). it used to strip metadata but no longer does.
- his WP site saves that data before stripping it out for serving.
- had one more stretch goal, multiple calendars. didn't make it.
Greg McVerry
Greg McVerry, https://jgregorymcverry.com/
- has a /music/ URL on his site that ... is 404.
- got rid of his file extensions in his URL
- But is having subdirectory issues
- He is superexcited, as he no longer has to manually add his header/footer/head to page...he has automated this.
- Used Github actions to optimize images
- Can share to demo this is...100% speedtest in Lighthouse; was at 98%
- Inspired by attendee Nicole, he did something with bridgy that made him frustrated.
- He is now going to publish using Bridgy. Made a note subdirectory, file for each day, ID
- Then it says he has no microformats...but he does. Except he has an issue with HTML markup.