Post Type Testing was a session at IndieWebcamp Online 2019.
Notes archived from https://etherpad.indieweb.org/posttypetest
IndieWebCamp Online 2019
Session: Post Type Testing
When: 2019-03-09 19:00 UTC
Grant Richmond
Eddie Hinkle
Jacky AlcinΓ©
Martijn van der Ven (listening only)
Chris Aldrich (listening, taking some notes)
- Sven Knebel
- Purposes I thought of:
- Testing your site frontend ( similar to WordPress theme unit test: https://codex.wordpress.org/Theme_Unit_Test )
- Testing post rendering in readers
- Other purposes:
- Examples of how to mark up post types
- Testing micropub endpoint
- Testing what microsub servers can accept
- Testing mf2 markup on a post
I imagine there being a few parts to this: 1. A list of example posts in some format that can be converted ( http://examples.tpxl.io/ ) 2. A micropub "client" that can automatically create these posts from the list of posts - this would probably be for people making sites / themes. Also very similar to micropub.rocks but more aimed at testing UI? Would also be very useful if it could easily be run locally for development sites 3. Feeds that can be followed to test a reader. ( h-feed: http://examples.tpxl.io/feeds/hfeed/ ) 4. Doug also mentioned he would like to test that his mf2 markup is correct for a post type with best practices (e.g. His podcast must have an audio file, but would be recommendable to have a name, description and photo)
- Jacky created this h-card testing page: https://static-relme-site.jacky.wtf/
Jonathan LaCour has created a schema tester that checks if a complete (parsed) microformats2 object seems to contain the expected properties: https://github.com/cleverdevil/microformats2
Mastodon tests mf2 automatically
Different levels of validation (errors, warnings, improvements / notes).
Potentially can run tests automatically in the future to check that nothing has broken
Static Site generators are a thing as well. They might create the post, but there might be a delay and need confirmation that the site has rebuilt before the site tries to test for the existence of the posts (potentially using a button when it's available).
Ryan Barrett and
David Shanske have built some unit tests into the Webmention plugin for WordPress. It's not a full test suite, but does catch some common errors.
- Examples of some errors often seen:
- Mixing up u- and p- prefixes on properties,
- Nested h-* objects that end up putting their property name on the same object, actually putting it in a property on its parent
- Missing u-url in h-* objects that are within an h-feed.
- u-url (or other, but typically) properties leaking from h-cards all over the page
- smell: information duplicated a few times
- Post Types (https://indieweb.org/posts#Types_of_Posts)
- Work down this list, things at the top are higher priority.
https://indieweb.org/posts - collection of posts and also somewhat ordered by use. Editor draft of PTD: http://ptd.spec.indieweb.org/ - https://indieweb.org/post-type-discovery
See also
- Indiewebify.me
- validators - may want to create a page on the wiki for this
- 2019/Online/Schedule