Read posts / indiebookclub was a session at IndieWebcamp Online 2019.
Notes archived from https://etherpad.indieweb.org/readposts
IndieWebCamp Online 2019
Session: Read posts / indiebookclub
When: 2019-03-08 23:00 UTC
gRegor Morrill (session facilitator)
Chris Aldrich
Greg McVerry
Eddie Hinkle
gRegor Morrill has opensourced indiebookclub
WorldCat or OpenLibrary for opensource book covers
At Austin discussion of micropub, he started thinking about an OwnYourReads type service
Chris Aldrich is consuming the Goodreads RSS feed in his backend, occasionally posts to his own site
- RSS feed has title authors, tiny thumbnail
silo.pub has been down
dougbeal uses Kindle which pushes information into Goodreads
- star rating and review at finish reading, gives option to syndicate to Goodreads
Highlighted or annotated pieces in Kindle, Goodreads picks it up as a private annotation, gives option to make it public.
Chris Aldrich has it on his list to check if there's an RSS / export for this
TODO for gregor:
- β add github / contact info to indiebookclub.biz
- check on micro.blog usage numbers
PESOS options for read posts?
Eddie Hinkle uses Kindle a lot so Goodreads -> Micropub is an ideal use-case. The friction of typing a quote from a book is too great for me. lol.
Amazon Kindle app on Android lets you highlight text and share to any app source