This page lists jargon terms likely to be spoken during IndieWeb Summit which the captioner will input into their system so that they are spelled correctly.
aggregate ATOM (pronounced like "atom") Bridgy checkin client-side Django Donut.js Fatwigoo GitHub HTTP HTTPS IndieAuth IndieWeb IndieWebCamp IndieWeb Summit IndieWebify IndieWebify.me IRC JavaScript Jekyll JF2 JSON (pronounced like "Jason") Mastodon Micro.blog Microdata Microformats Micropub Microsub Mozilla MVP Name.com OAuth Okta Open Collective Open Graph OPML permalink PESOS (pronounced like the Spanish "pesos") PHP POSSE (pronounced "posse") PubSubHubbub Python React Web of Trust Salmention (pronounced "sa-mention") single-page application SWAT0 (pronounced "swat zero") TLS UX Vouch W3C WebSub Webmention WordPress XFN XML XRay YAML (pronounced like "camel") YouTube All acronyms are spelled letter by letter unless otherwise noted.