Personal Website Demos at IndieWebCamp SF 2019.
- Chat logs starting at 10:45.
Jeremy Keith
Jeremy Keith, https://adactio.com
- He's been blogging since 2001
- treats IWC as 'selfish' me time
- does 'silly' things with his archives during IWCs
- He is inspired by doing it with other people
Tantek Γelik, https://tantek.com
- dual SSL/http
- Just posted a note that he was at IWC SF
- He cross-posts to Twitter
- Links back to original post
- None of these silos had sequential navigation....so he implemented arrow keys
- He thinks your site should work without JS
Jen Simmons
- https://jensimmons.com
- Bought this domain in 2000+-
- Didn't have $50 in the 90s.
- First email, then hand coded
- Then learned flash
- Moved to PHL, realized Flash didn't run, et.
- Gave up, switched to Blogger... WordPress...
- Thought a lot about what she was putting there
- Got a lot of ---- being a woman in tech
- Website seems to have a purpose and not about her specifically.
- Had a Drupal site and got hacked, etc
- Site is now Eleventy
- Plan is to build a blog, self-discover...still has not done it 7 years later.
John Nelson
- http://johnbnelson.com
- His page is HTML3 friendly
- During dissertation procrastination, thoughts.johnbnelson.com...
- All Jupyter notebooks
- Also had syndication via Beaker and Dat
- Forgot this existed and things are broken
- Hopes to fix it tomorrow
Dietrich Ayala
- http://metafluff.com
- working on IPFS
- Spent over a quarter of life working for Mozilla
- barbiecake.com was first site, but got cease and desist order from Mattel.
- Current site is metafluff.com
- Wants to migrate to Eleventy
- Current stack is unsupported
- Hopes to do a responsive SVG hero image
Jacky Alcine
Jacky AlcinΓ©, https://jacky.wtf
- Has dramatic thoughtful image on front of site.
- Has a pre-contact questionnaire on his contact page.
- Working on fortress.ngrok.io, which is IndieAuthish
- Log in as You
- "This is you, this is your domain, let's bring them together
Bradley Allen
- http://bradleyallen.info
- Also on Eleventy
- Realized he doesn't know how it works.
- Used to rolling his own
- Quotes, "Comprehension before Configuration"
- Trying to back up to understand before proceeding
- Does not want to be anti-JS, but believes you should be able to run a site without it
- He does not syndicate to anyone... Twitter is beneath him....
- He knows how things used to be, he knows how things are...wants to connect directly
- He just wants to be connected to you and you and you , directly
- Just over the past few days...thinking of going back....BBEdit...
- Getting up to modern CSS...
- These things were his strengths... but he just want to see us
- Indiewebify.me is great
- Bridgy is great, and is cool, but... why is he doing this
- Person to person
David Shanske
David Shanske, https://david.shanske.com/
- Puts map locations on his website
- Altitude, weather, timezone
- This is my website, it is functional
- I use it to post all sorts of things
- Lots of location work
- Like checkins via Swarm and OwnYourSwarm
- Also doing all the video for this event
- location changes the timezone of his published posts automatically
Benjamin De Kosnik
- http://benjamin.dekosnik.com
- Trying to find his user page
- trying to register for the indiewebcamp
- Main art website and works for Mozilla.
- Also does a reserch project at Berkeley called alpha60.co
- Linked to a git repository
- Put all this on the wiki but couldn't find it
- Looking for ideas for a new project, a website for intellectuals... seeing where women intellectuals in the art field who don't have a web presence... wants to entice them with a social hook on a free backend
- Just scoping the situation at IWC and letting ideas percolate
Johannes Ernst
Johannes Ernst
- Showing http://project-springtime.org
- Open Source style hydroponics
- Pictures of green stuff
- documentation = easy cloning
- One was dinner
- vegetables taste amazing
- Giving a sales pitch for eating your vegetables
- Let's say you want to document your hydroponics system...
- Shows his hydroponics rig
- Hooking up an ESP32 and PI to monitor
- Shows parts lists, with drawings.
- it's hard to publish anything on the web that is a technical drawing
- svg is too complicated to edit
- Simplified Computer ided Drafting, built Draftingjs.gitlab.io to describe diagrams
- Attendee just bought analogik.com
- Nothing is there, but it is the Future Home of Something Cool