Make WordPress Better was a session at IndieWeb Summit 2019.
Notes archived from: https://etherpad.indieweb.org/wp-indie
IndieWeb Summit 2019
Session: Make WordPress Better
When: When: 2019-06-20 14:20
David Shanske (session facilitator)
- ndreck.me
- David Bryant
- matthewmcvickar
- CathieLeBlanc (remote)
Jack Jamieson
Q: How do you debug your microformats as an end-user?
- Site Health Enhancements...
I used this: https://indiewebify.me/
Q: Is it true that the only way to have IndieWeb capabilities with WordPress is to use one of a small number of specific Themes (e.g., Sempress) that have IndieWeb functionality built in?
A: Yes. You can customize any theme to add IndieWeb support but that requires theme modifiying skills. It has been nearly impossible to convince authors of existing themes to add IndieWeb support. There are a few available IndieWeb themes beyond Sempress -- some available via github (Autonomy, IW26, IndieWeb Publisher -- See https://indieweb.org/WordPress/Themes#Themes_Supporting_Microformat for specifics). FOLLOWUP: This topic will be discussed at greater length in tomorrow's 10-11am WordPress session here at IndieWeb Summit
Q: My WordPress dashboard displays the following warning "In order to ensure IndieAuth tokens will work please perform this check: Check Script". The script fails. What's up with that and what should I do? (I have this same problem!)
A: The most likely cause of this problem is the server you are using is not properly forwarding the HTTP AUTHORIZATION header. If you're using a hosting provider (e.g., Dreamhost) contact their tech support and report the error message, asking them to help you fix it. If you are hosting yourself, you should be able to modify your server configuration to present the proper header.
A: If you can edit your .htaccess and your server runs apache, follow instructions at https://wordpress.org/plugins/indieauth/#i%20keep%20getting%20the%20response%20that%20my%20request%20is%20unauthorized (This worked for me)
Q: What resources exist for theme developers to adapt their themes?
A: An article or two, but not a lot. Here's the history of David Shanske indiiewebifying a theme. If you follow it in chronological order, you can learn a lot!: https://github.com/dshanske/iw26/commits/master
- https://david.shanske.com/2016/06/23/why-microformats/
- https://david.shanske.com/2016/06/22/converting-wordpress-themes-microformats-2-part-1/