IndieTrustWeb was a session at IndieWebCamp Austin 2020.
- Video: βΆοΈ 41:29s
Notes archived from: https://etherpad.indieweb.org/indietrustweb
IndieWebCamp Austin 2020
Session: IndieTrustWeb
When: 2020-02-22 13:15
- Pace (session facilitator)
Manton Reece
- Taco Dave
- Cornelius Toole
- Brian Schrader
- John
gRegor Morrill
Greg McVerry (remote)
Tantek Γelik
- Add yourself here⦠(see this for more details)
What is trust?
Use cases
- Vouch comment spam
- Ushahidi Tracker
- Location: who do I trust to know where I am?
- Known had a 24 hour checkin delay option
Brian: Pine.blog has four levels of comment moderation. Wants some middle ground
- accept from anyone.
- ...
- don't accept
Dave: XFN for marking up relationships
Manton Reece: checks in on Swarm various places (like here) where he's fine with it being relatively public, but he doesn't check into his kids' school, so would like some different levels of trust
Tantek Γelik I also use Swarm and trust location data to a subset of friends
Difference between trusting medical records (e.g. to my doctor), and location information.
Cornelius: is there prior art?
- LinkedIn has endorsements
Greg McVerry I like the concept of web rings as a trust signal as well.