Learn microformats by Fixing micro.blog was a session at IndieWebCamp Austin 2020.
- Video: βΆοΈ 42:30s
Notes archived from: https://etherpad.indieweb.org/mfmicro
IndieWebCamp Austin 2020
Session: Learn microformats by Fixing micro.blog
When: 2020-02-22 14:45
Manton Reece (session facilitator)
Aaron Parecki
Tantek Γelik
- Cornelius
- Courtney
gRegor Morrill
Greg McVerry
David Shanske
- Add yourself here⦠(see this for more details)
Looking at manton-test.micro.blog:
Aaron Parecki: one of the first things he does when he wants to verify microformats is one of the parsers on microformats.io.
- Easier to see the parsed result than look through the source HTML
- Does everything you expect to be parsed show up? Does anything appear that you didn't expect?
In the example post we're parsing, no author information showed up
- Does the author name appear visually anywhere on the current page? No.
https://microformats.io/ has several mf2 parsers you can use to parse a page with microformats, and show JSON of the information it finds
https://monocle.p3k.io/preview: another tool to use which does mf2 parsing and re-rendering, so we can confirm author information is not in mf2 in this instance
authorship has sections for authorship on individual posts and streams of posts. We want streams of posts.
- you can put the author in the h-feed
- you can also put author informatoin inside each h-entry
- you can also have an h-card outside of the h-feed
Manton Reece is going to do live updates to his theme!
- added class=h-card to the existing name link in his page header, this is outside the h-feed
- updated list template file and added empty link
- and now it works in Monocle Preview
Tantek Γelik: we should link to the Monocle preview from indiewebify.me results. Github issue: https://github.com/indieweb/indiewebify-me/issues/83
Brief reflections on my Greg McVerry testing and working on micro.blog themes
- https://indieweb.org/Micro.blog#Themes My notes, don't know if currebt
- Each theme needs to be tested. Each Hugo theme puts the author in different places so you need to work on the h-card and author
- I install each theme, make the edits, then do a note, photo, article, and article with a photo, did not test any featured images
- Themes were putting u-photo on all images
- Hard part of testing was on the installing and posting using each theme variety
- Was work intensive
- Happy to work with people on testing the themes
- Other issue many people install hugo themes from everywhere
- I recommend keeping a repo of HUGO themes (after default themes fixed) where we know the mf2 proper
- People deleted a lot of microformats after they begin to customize CSS of their themes
- Not sure tutorial we pin in FAC and the design and code channels
- I got the shirt I am wearing today for fixing micro.blog themes (Hacktober challenge)
https://indiewebify.me/ has tools for validating your h-card, or your h-entry