Improving Local Communities with New Methods and the Affordability of Owning Your Own Data was a combined session at IndieWebCamp Austin 2020.
- Video: βΆοΈ 41:57s
Notes archived from: https://etherpad.indieweb.org/newaffordability
IndieWebCamp Austin 2020
Session: Improving Local Communities with New Methods and the Affordability of Owning Your Own Data
When: 2020-02-22 14:00
- Brian Schrader (session facilitator)
- John
Aaron Parecki
- Brian Smith
- Taco Dave
gRegor Morrill
- Add yourself here⦠(see this for more details)
How do we help people find things on the web relevant to them based on physical geography? Finding nearby events, etc.
Trying to define geographical boundaries with names is a losing battle
Maybe using free-form text that means things to people, and letting people recognize the ones that are important to them
Using meta tags to say that this document applies to this region What is the other end? how do you find it?
Aggregators, search engines
gRegor Morrill: possible to use coordinates and then aggregators can let you subscribe to everything in a certain radius. Use mf2 location properties?
- Brian added on: maybe a combination of _coordinates_ comma _string for location name_, etc.
What are some things we could do right now with existing tools?
- Add crawling to a microsub server so that it can go find new content that you maybe haven't subscribed to
- Index those posts based on things other than date? location? looking for existing markup?
- hNews microformat includes geo and dateline microformats that could be useful here
- Expose that to microsub clients in a channel
- Add h-geo markup to your own posts so that they can be indexed
Affordability micro-session
- nearlyfreespeech.net
- Mastodon has been mildly successful
Aaron Parecki suggests the smaller the community is the better, and be up front with the limitations/trade-offs e.g. trusting the person running the instance not to impersonate you.