Introduction - Building Blocks was a session at IndieWebCamp London 2020.
Notes archived from: https://etherpad.indieweb.org/buildingblocks
IndieWebCamp London 2020
Session: Building Blocks
When: 2020-03-14 13:00
- IndieWeb Building blocks can be used indenpendently
- It begins with microformats
- indiewebify.me checks out the microformats
- At the top level a post is an h*
- p-name says the title
- p-author- author
- dt-published date/datetime published
- microformats allow you to parse html and use that information elsewhere
- reply posts use webmention
- webmentions tell a url you link to it
- if you look in my head you will see rel="webmention"
Kevin Marks demos his receiever which is built by
Pelle Wessman and deployed on heroku
- ask nicely or deploy on your own
- when you publish it looks at the webmention and send a note to webmention heroku
- how you present the webmention is up to you
- Question "How does it work on Twitter"
- Twitter doesn't do it on your own but you can use [brid.gy bridgy] bridgy
- You can use telegraph to send webmentions.
As it's a form POST, you can use an HTTP form to do it, i.e. the form on https://seblog.nl/2020/03/14/1/remote-attending-indiewebcamp or https://www.jvt.me/mf2/2020/03/oogau/
Can send it yourself manually, or you can use a tool like https://github.com/willnorris/webmention
https://webmention.app/ also is a great tool for auto-sending Webmentions on your behalf - great for static sites
https://webmention.io/ can be used with a static site and can be rendered with https://github.com/PlaidWeb/webmention.js/ client-side
- wonders if I can do this, would mean adding javascript to my site
- ^ it can be done at site render time, too, if that helps! the API is public, and until WM.js,
Jamie Tanna was doing that
- ^ it can be done at site render time, too, if that helps! the API is public, and until WM.js,
- wonders if I can do this, would mean adding javascript to my site
If you want to write your own sending/receiving endpoint then start with https://webmention.rocks
https://webmention.herokuapp.com/ works similar to webmention.io
- indiewebify.me
- walks you through step by step through a post
- IndieAuth
- you can sign into different servies
- on the homepage of your site
- You mark up in your head how you want to authorize
- rel-me
- one way you explain to site this is you you likt to sites and say this is me
- if two sites point at each other the sites agree that they are by the same person
Kevin Marks demos a browser plugin (https://chrome.google.com/webstore/detail/verify-me/nnefkajddpfponfnmaflddipljfdlcjb)
- you get a check mark to any site with rel=me
- If you link to your normal Twitter profile page you don't get a rel-me; but your intent page has one, e.g. https://twitter.com/intent/follow?screen_name=barryf
- h-card
- a "business card" of your website
- an h prefix says this is a structure, the fields inside the h-card are part of that structure
- you can nest them
- for example an h-card inside an h-entry can be used for author https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/HTML/microformats