IndieWebCamp Online 2020 Planning' is for keeping track of all things for organizers and volunteers to make IndieWebCamp Online 2020 an awesome time for all!
We have only had an Indiewebcamp Online in 2019/Online and in 2014/Online.
Venue: Online, using the IndieWeb Zoom accounts
Can help co-organize:
Saturday, February 8, 2019 to Sunday, February 9, 2019.
Proposed Times
- Keynotes and Intros 16:00 UTC, 7:00 PST, 11 EST, 17 CET,
- Session One 17:15 UTC, 8:15 PST, 12:15 EST 18:15 CET,
- Session Two 18:00 UTC, 9:00 PST, 13:00 EST 19:00 CET,
- Session Three 18:45 UTC, 9:45 PST, 13:45 EST 19:45 CET,
Hack Day
- A Zoom Room will open in each time zone at 9:00 local. We will have two scheduled demo times.
Demo Time 1 22:00 UTC, Demo Time 2 1:00 UTC
- Template:sadik IndieWeb and OER
Proposed Session Approval Workflow
- Please leave general feedback here, the etherpad, or leave a note in chat
Reflections from 2020
- Tried for a single block of sessions rather than variable across a 24 hour period. Didn't accommodate everyone
- Make sure to email each session proposer beyond bulk emails to check on timeslots
Selected Reflections from 2019
2019 Summary
- There was total of eleven sessions and over twenty active participants throughout the camp.
- Had 25 people register, 16 people attended throughout the weekend, three never registered
- There were a total of eleven sessions with WordPress session and Profiles session repeated twice.
- 8 People posted goals for hack day
- These numbers either meet or exceed physical events.
- Improvements to discovery and scheduling suggested
Discovery and Onboarding
- https://twitter.com/khurtwilliams/status/1104124423433605120?s=21 (or for some additional context: https://boffosocko.com/2019/03/09/55745623/)
- It was difficult for people to find links to sessions. For people that aren’t used to the Wiki, getting to the Wiki Event Page to the Schedule page is probably not the most intuitive. For in person events, the 2019.indieweb.org page is just used for Registration, but that’s probably the first place someone looks to figure out what’s going on for an IWC Online.
- There should probably be a link directly from 2019.indieweb.org/online to the indieweb.org/2019/Online/Schedule page so people can see what is currently going on. Potentially even put a #now to the end of the page so that we can move an anchor link with that id throughout the day so someone could arrive at the exact scroll position on the page to what should be going on.
- The Tito page at https://ti.to/indiewebcamp/indiewebcamp-online-2019, which some kept as a reference, also didn't have any useful information and the "location" link not only didn't have a correct URL, but clicking on it resolved to a Google Maps page instead of the wiki page.
- The main camp page /2019/Online is helpful BEFORE the camp, but is so busy it’s not very helpful DURING an online camp for new people who don’t know what to expect.
- One thing is to write a nice “what to expect at IWC Online” letter (see this page for ideas and iteration: IndieWebCamps/Attendance) that can be on the page when RSVPing as well as emailed to participants the week before the event. This should outline: visiting chat.indieweb.org on the day of the event for real-time updates, a link to the sessions page, and other important info/links.
- The schedule (or a page that replaces it) should become a clean and clear “operational day of page” with a place at the top for status updates, a schedule grid, link to the chat room and other important day of information. The standard “schedule grid” from in person camps is a good start but a completely online camp needs that page to have more critical information and such since there is no easy way to communicate if you can’t find the chat room or the video channel.
Time Zones
- Lack of multiple sessions to choose from came from two things: missing a critical mass of people for multiple sessions at once, plus having 23 hours when sessions could occur caused sessions to just spread out, which was the intention
- I feel we met the demand and there was no need for overlapping sessions, while spirit of an unconference allows you to choose sessions I feel like we still did as we negotiated unplanned schedules,
- As a parent I enjoyed the flexibility of the long window as I could plan IWC Online around other obligations
- While the intention was to have 23 hours of potential sessions for cross-timezone synergy, it caused more issues than benefits. The first sessions were conflicted time-wise due to it being during the work day in the Americas, and fairly late in the evening in Europe.
- Just start on Saturday?
- Friday start time worked for Organizers (both Americas East)and in the end that is schedule that mattered most
- The first sessions didn’t feel as polished or as helpful to people due to those inherent time conflicts.
- Future IWC Online should definitely aim for a more traditional set timezone that people outside that timezone can adjust for it they want to attend.
- Disagree. I think we should think of it as three traditional timeslots for sessions:
- EU/Americas East
- Americas West
- Aussie/NZ- (tried to find a organizer, no volunteers, people who said they couldn't make it noted personal obligations)
- Disagree. I think we should think of it as three traditional timeslots for sessions:
- Future IWC Online should have a standard Saturday (possibly Sunday) approach, with Intros being in the morning of a specific timezone, with sessions going throughout the day.
- One approach that worked was running the same session in multiple timezones. We did this profiles and it worked.
- I feel we met the demand and there was no need for overlapping sessions, while spirit of an unconference allows you to choose sessions I feel like we still did as we negotiated unplanned schedules,
Attendance Rate
- High no-show rate similar to on the ground events
- Add the ten dollar minimum or INDIE RSVP for free to cut down on ~70% registration no shows. Adds a planning burden to organizers when trying to match format to audience
IWC Components
- Kick-off Presentations
- Intros
- Session Planning
- Sessions
- Hack Day Kick-off
- Projects
- Demos
Goals / Ideas for Online Medium
Eddie Hinkle posted a long winded speech about various ideas for IWC Online. Here are some points:
- We were thinking about it being a melding of synchronous and asynchronous.
- Intros and Demos should be synchronous with everyone together in a single chat room.
- Instead of having a "time-block" of say 4 hours where all the sessions take place, propose sessions and then people who are interested in the session can suggest times during a 1 day window, then the time that works for the most people becomes when that session happens.
Eddie Hinkle suggested that we could have different "digital rooms". This would allow for more collaboration among peers than you can get when everyone is in a single digital room. This could especially be useful during the projects time.
Greg McVerry proposed the idea of having the ability for there to be multiple versions of the same topic in different timezones.
Greg McVerry we should offer a "naptime" session where parents can suggest a time when they will be available based on nap schedules and that actual start times might be a bit squishy
Possible physical locations using HWCs
Greg McVerry pointed out that we could coordinate with Homebrew Website Clubs and IndieWeb Meetups that don't have a local IndieWebCamp to meet together during IWC Online.
One way and two-way sessions
We may want to include one-way sessions with a Q=A at the
Examples of other online conferences
- https://k12onlineconference.org/
- https://unhangout.media.mit.edu/
- https://www.edtechteam.com/summits/the-virtual/
- https://foundation.mozilla.org/en/opportunity/global-sprint/
- https://pressedconf.org/ -- Twitter-based conference
- http://virtuallyconnecting.org/about/ - helps people connect remotely
Include Lightning Round Talks
- Blogcon 2003-2006 used to have academics present on blogging research. Thinking of doing something similar at online where research is submitted for peer review and accepted sessions can do a remote lightning research round to present their work.
David Shanske Sees the idea of a Lightning Talk as more of a short way for people to introduce newcomers to an Indieweb topic. Sort of a fast building block session. We need more 'elevator pitches' for these ideas and could use this as an opportunity to build a library.
Schedule Ideas from 2019
- Day One: Pre-Camp Session-Focus on tutorials for people who want to join but may not be on chat, the wiki, have a website, need directions on etherpad or mediawiki markup
- Day Two:
- Keynotes and Intros live, then asynchronous session proposals. If interest see if Australian/Pacific/Asian want a live session in their time slot.
- Offer session slots in two timezones, really a session is gran a friend and an etherpad.
- People propose their sessions. Instead of traditional grid just have a 24 hour calendar and session organizers block out their hour. Session organizer chooses either auido Template:mumble or video (use IndieWeb account and YouTube live, can have six simultaneous streams_
- Day Three
- Hack day, Participants sign up for 5 hours over a the 24 hour period. Each hour timeslot has an associated trackpad. Do checkins at 30 intervals
- Need an agreed upon time for live demos. Each YouTube Live event can have ten participants, may want to due a cue. Having multiple streams with multiple guests is a bandwidth hog.
Example Session Planning
- Topic: Displaying webmentions
- Facilitator Template:name
- Proposed Timeslots
- Please put a +1 to times you can make
- 12-1
- 1-2
- 2-3
- 3-4
- Final Time Slot
- Recording URl
- Etherpad