
From IndieWeb

Create Day October 2021 was a one-day virtual IndieWebCamp held on 2021-10-09.

Notes archived from: https://etherpad.indieweb.org/IWCCreateDay-2021-10-09


Put your name, website, and what you plan on working on.

  • Template:jeremyrader I'll be adding styling to the rather bland site that I set up earlier this week. I also had an idea for adding open graph tags to comments on my site so that I can display them via the link previews in Facebook, LinkedIn, etc. I've been working on generating the comment as an image that can be shared through og:image
  • Template:davidschmudde Working on IndieLogin capabilitys for my blog. I'm here: https://schmud.de/
  • fluffy Hoping to rewrite/refactor the templates for https://beesbuzz.biz/ which have gotten ridiculously convoluted and unwieldy
  • Chris Aldrich Cleaning out some problems from a recent database issue
  • Darius Dunlap Moving my WordpressMP server to a new hosting company and re-implementing everything on updated Ubuntu, which likely means re-implementing NGINX, certs, PHP (updated) and various Wordpress details. Of note, this is replacing a server that I first brought up on DigitalOcean many years ago at IndieWebCampSF. It's the home of my old blog darius.dunlaps.net, dariusdunlap.com, and feedthegirl.com (my food blog)
  • Benjamin Atkin Converting WordPress site to Vite



Books vs movies, is there enough overlap to do them together, or should they be separate things? one difference: people usually finish movies in one sitting, people don't usually finish books in one sitting

lots of overlap between books, podcasts, movies

based on their profile descriptions or first names"

  • granary.io - " Fetches and converts data between social networks, HTML and JSON with microformats2, ActivityStreams 1 and 2, Atom, RSS, JSON Feed, and more."

HTML5 Semantic Elements

Whether to use global heading levels (h1, h2, h3) or reset heading level when inside an article or section tag back to h1?

  • HTML5 Outline algorithm wasn't really interoperably implemented (if at all) across browsers etc.
  • Tantek Çelik decided to use global heading levels in a page because they’re more broadly predictably supported

When to use article vs. section vs. div vs...

  • fluffy keeps on reading up on the HTML5 spec on when article/section/etc. are used, and always finds it very confusing. In particular, never sure whether to put <section> outside and/or inside <article>
  • Tantek Çelik used to try very hard to always use the right HTML5 semantic elements for all cases, but found it was a lot of effort for what seemed to be little or no benefit, and simplified down to just divs (or other basic elements like paragraphs) with class names. However after doing some research on screen readers and how they treat HTML5 semantic elements, there's enough benefits to *sometimes* use *some* of them, and has a specific to-do on this: https://indieweb.org/Falcon#HTML5_semantic_elements_for_accessibility


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2025 DüsseldorfBerlinPlanning More Camps & Popups
2024 BrightonDüsseldorfPortlandBerlinSan Diego
Build a Website in an Hour March (P)
2023 NurembergSan Diego
Create Day November (O)CreateFest December (O)
Multi-Lingual Personal Websites (P)Build a Website in an Hour July (P)Build a Website in an Hour September (P)
2022 DüsseldorfBerlin
Create Day March (O)July (O)September (O)December (O)
Analog Meets Online (P)Personal Libraries (P)How to Make the IndieWeb More Approachable (P)
2021 Düsseldorf
Create Day July (O)October (O)December (O)
Respectful Responses (P)Webmentions Beyond Webmention.io (P) • Very Sensitive Data (P)Microsub (P)IndieAuth (P)Gardens and Streams II (P)IndieAuth 2 (P)
2020 Austin
Online London (O)West (O)East (O)Create Day (O)
Garden & Stream (P)Micropub (P)IndieAuth (P)Get Started with WP (P)microformats2 (P)Friendly WP Themes (P)
2019 AustinNew HavenBerlinDüsseldorfUtrecht9th IndieWeb Summit (Portland)AmsterdamOxfordNYCBrightonBerlin2SF
2018 BaltimoreDüsseldorf8th IndieWeb Summit (Portland)SFOxfordNYCNürnbergBerlin
2017 BellinghamDüsseldorfNürnberg7th IndieWeb Summit (Portland)IstanbulNYCBerlinAustin
2016 NYCMITNürnbergDüsseldorf6th IndieWeb Summit (Portland)NYC2BrightonLA (Santa Monica)BerlinMIT2
2015 Cambridge MAGermany (Düsseldorf)Portland & Brighton (5th Summit) • EdinburghMITSF
2014 SFNYCPortland/NYC/Berlin (4th Summit)UK (Brighton)Cambridge MAOnline
2013 Portland (3rd Summit)UK (Brighton)Hollywood
2012 Portland (2nd Summit)UK (Brighton)
2011 Portland (Summit)

See Also