Project goals for day 2 at IndieWebCamp San Diego 2023.
- Archived from https://etherpad.indieweb.org/IndieWebCamp_San_Diego
Today is Create Day at IndieWebCamp San Diego. We've taken the back corner table and are back at the excellent Blackmarket bakery.
Participants, please add your goals for Create Day below!
Joe Crawford
Joe Crawford
- Update my moribund Open Graph plugin to signify it works with latest versions of WordPress - DONE - I forgot the step to update not just the readme.txt but also the plugin php file with a version number. I did also updated to three-number semantic versioning DONE
- Swap out my bluesky .well-known verification to the DNS text record - DONE
- Also update the github repository for my Open Graph plugin - DONE
- write up my thoughts on metadata formats from rich discussion yesterday - https://artlung.com/blog/2023/12/17/open-graph-and-invisible-code/ DONE
- Diversion! Inspired by
Chris Aldrich I wanted to try out the OCR built into Google Docs https://artlung.com/blog/2023/12/17/handwriting-to-my-website/ and it worked great!
Angelo Gladding
Angelo Gladding
- get metaformats on indieweb.rocks
- stretch: link-preview
David Shanske
David Shanske
- Added a sparkline redirect for dshanske as GWG is my IRC username, but slack is dshanske.
- Temporrar disable a deprecated function in Simple Location that spits out errors till I can write a wrapper that allows for adjustment
- Added some pulldowns to Simple Location for filtering
- Display Venue Alternate URL
- Fix conditional that added a [] to the title tag of venue pages on my site
- Finish cleaning up Ticket Endpoint
- Minor Location fixes exposed on vacation
- Assess Micropub improvements
Peter Kaminski
Peter Kaminski
- put Federated Auth Network deets in #dev (hoping the IW and FAN communities bump into each other a little more)
- show Template:ihudson how to get a website up with MasWiki
- work on setting up Webmention send and/or receive to/from Massive Wiki
- Webmention sent from https://developer.massive.wiki/working_on_webmention,_2023-12-17 to https://ragt.ag using https://telegraph.p3k.io/
- other senders: https://mention.tech/ https://webmention.app/
- could use YAML frontmatter to add title and stuff, which would keep from having to mark up the title in the page
- great 11ty how-to: https://mxb.dev/blog/using-webmentions-on-static-sites/
- also see markdown-it-attrs
- Webmention sent from https://developer.massive.wiki/working_on_webmention,_2023-12-17 to https://ragt.ag using https://telegraph.p3k.io/
Isaac Hudson
- Template:ihudson
- buy a domain name --DONE
- set up a website
- static site build (github pages) --DONE
- wiki build (netlify) --DONE
- setup a gravatar --DONE
- learn about the indieweb --DONE
Anthony Ciccarello
Anthony Ciccarello
- Collect stats on meta tags to answer questions in metaformats blog post
Al Abut
Al Abut
- IndieWeb setup - get a profile on the wiki, username, etc Done! Thanks
David Shanske!
- Blog setup and/or writing for #indienewbies content from yesterday: https://indieweb.org/2023/SD/indienewbies
Chris Aldrich
gRegor Morrill
- βοΈ created wiki page Slim
- βοΈ (started a draft) write some thoughts on yesterday's session 2023/SD/movieviewings
- clean up my in-progress indiewebify.me updates and put them on a git fork so we can collaborate more
Pablo Morales
- work on indieauth plugin for datenstrom. (php)
- implement indieauth sign in for private posts