
From IndieWeb

2024/Brighton/Schedule is an hour-by-hour schedule and table of 14 sessions held across three rooms during IndieWebCamp Brighton 2024.


Day 1 is about discussing in a BarCamp-like environment. Bring a topic you’d like to discuss or join in on topics as they are added to the board.

Session topics will be proposed and chosen on the day of the event and organized into a grid.

Sessions are facilitated by the participant who proposed the topic. Learn more at session facilitating.

Times listed are in GMT.

Time Main room The Mess (Kitchen) The Cabin The Rig
12:15 - 13:00 POSSE
Energy Efficiency
Comment threads
13:00 - 14:00 Lunch
14:00 - 14:45 Pictures
Site death
15:00 - 15:45 Hosting
Accessibility in the Small Web
16:00 - 16:45 NFC
Ease into IndieWeb
17:00 - 17:45 Personal Website Pain Points



Day 2 is about making things! Direct your inspiration from what we discussed day 1 into something on your site. Work with others or on your own. We’ll have demos at the end of the day to see what everyone worked on!

  • 09:30 – Doors open
  • 10:00 – Day 2 kick-off
  • 10:30 – Hack sessions
  • 12:30 – Group photo and lunch
  • 13:30 – Hack sessions continue
  • 15:00 – Demos
  • 15:45 – Clean-up
  • 16:00 – Camp closed


See Also