From IndieWeb

FedCM is a browser API for logging in to websites using external identity providers, and has an experimental feature "IdP Registration" which can let your own website be an identity provider to any website using IndieAuth.

Since the IdP Registration API is still an experimental feature, it is not part of the public MDN docs of FedCM yet. You can read more details on the GitHub thread here. In particular, this comment contains a summary of the instructions on using it with your domain.

IndieWeb Examples

If you would like to try this with your own domain, read the instructions here! https://github.com/fedidcg/FedCM/issues/240#issuecomment-2118606184

IndieWeb Services Supporting FedCM


As of 2024-05-15, https://webmention.io supports FedCM with a user-chosen IdP. In order to try this out, you will need an IndieAuth server that supports FedCM. See FedCM for IndieAuth for a development guide.

IndieAuth FedCM Providers

IndieAuth Developer's Guide to FedCM

For IndieAuth server developers wanting to add FedCM support using the IdP registration API, see:

FedCM for IndieAuth

FedCM Browser Status

As of 2024-05-20, FedCM is implemented in:

  • Chrome (behind a feature flag)
  • Firefox Nightly
  • Safari is publicly supportive but not yet implemented

However, the feature that makes FedCM work for IndieAuth is the experimental "IdP Registration" API, which is only available in Chrome Canary.

Related FedCM Issues

FedCM is very much an in-progress specification. Here are some related issues on the GitHub repository relevant to making FedCM work with IndieAuth:

These issues are also linked to inline in the FedCM for IndieAuth document.

See Also