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Feedly is a feed reader service.
(this section is a stub)
Feedly has common feed reader features:
- Subscribe to feed files (RSS, Atom, JSON Feed)
- how often does it poll?
- Can now subscribe to Bluesky accounts: Follow Bluesky users, and Bluesky feeds in Feedly
IndieWeb Examples
Users β who uses Feedly.com?
IndieWeb Friendly
Does Feedly support any IndieWeb building blocks? Could it support webactions? (It has a huge number of integrations for syndicating to other silos.)
- ...
Advocacy: we should test whether any of the following are supported (e.g. like Woodwind does!), and if not, ask them to!
- Subscribe to h-feed feeds, including
- parsing h-entry posts for all their properties
- parsing
p-author h-card
for author name, image, home page- Feedly does not detect h-feed markup on pages (-
Kartik Prabhu as of 2017-01-26)
- Feedly does not detect h-feed markup on pages (-
- Receive WebSub notifications of feed updates
- IndieAuth to sign-in to feedly.com
- Feedly does not allow Indieauth only Google, Facebook, Twitter, Windows, Evernote and a Feedly account (-
Kartik Prabhu as of 2017-01-26)
- Feedly does not allow Indieauth only Google, Facebook, Twitter, Windows, Evernote and a Feedly account (-
- Micropub to like or bookmark items in feeds, and have those actions be posted to your own site.
- ...
Union-busting employee surveillance
offering union-busting employee surveillance services https://newsletter.mollywhite.net/p/feedly-launches-strikebreaking-as
Web Based Feed Readers That Don't Bust Unions
Fails To Handle Atom XHTML titles
See bug report:
- https://plus.google.com/110760594609453531817/posts/2J3wWDsJFnU
- 2015-08-26 appears to be fixed? https://kartikprabhu.com/notes/re-feedly-title-fix
Consider putting this for your Atom title element (inside the entry element) to help encourage users to encourage getting this bug fixed (and stay fixed! live regression tests are a good thing.)
<title type="xhtml">
<div class="if-your-feed-reader-displays-this-then-it-is-violating-the-Atom-spec-RFC-4287-section-4.2.14" xmlns="http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml">
No Offline Support
Feedly native app on Android (and iOS??) does not load anything when offline. So one cannot read posts even tough they had been previously downloaded.
Home page is js dr
(noticed 2017-026)
http://feedly.com/ is blank if javascript is disabled or fails to load (js;dr).
Upon loading it with JS, there's no reason the static logged-out content there couldn't be served directly from the server.
Welcome to Feedly
The content you need to accelerate your research, marketing, and sales
Collapsed whitespace around HTML
gRegor Morrill: I had a friend report that the spaces around links in my feed were being collapsed, and the inline style for a striked-out word did not come through. Testing with
Tantek Γelik's feed also shows the collapsed whitespace around links.
gRegor Morrill reported this on the Feedly Google+ community (original note), but has not heard back as of 2017-02-19
Down Messages
"feedly is over capacity"
via https://twitter.com/haxor/status/352121082813218816
"Sorry! Feedly will be back soon. See blog.feedly.com for more information."
via https://twitter.com/kartik_prabhu/status/448575516912541696