IndieWeb Carnival

From IndieWeb

IndieWeb carnival is a blog carnival on topics related to the IndieWeb specifically.


An IndieWeb carnival will help motivate people to post more on their personal websites. See also:

How to

Each month, the carnival has a different host. At the beginning of the month, the host comes up with the topic, and posts it both on their website and here. Then, other people post their submissions and alert the host about them. At the end of the month, the host collects all the received submissions and posts an overview of it.


The whole process is open to change, so any suggestions welcome.

Any person having their own website is eligible to become a host. You can be the host just once or you can repeat multiple times.

If you want to volunteer as the future host, please add your name to the below list of future hosts. One does not need to decide on the topic until posting the call for submission.

If you changed your mind and you do not want to host, simply remove yourself from the list. That way some other people can volunteer for that month. As long as the months did not yet start or is about to start in less than a week, there is nothing else needed done.

If you are in that time frame, then please contact the person who started this carnival ( Sara Jakลกa - email: ) to arrange for the replacement.

If the month you are assigned started and you did not post a call of submission before or in a first couple of days of the month, your spot will be taken by one of the pitch-hitters hosts.

The List of Future Hosts



Pitch-Hitters Hosts

If you want to be the host, but you do not want to commit to it for the specific month, you can also add yourself to the pitch-hitters list. They are the hosts, that pitch in case any of the hosts for the month drops for any reason or if there is a month without a host. In this case, we will try to find the host from the lower list first.

By putting yourself on the bellow list, you only indicate, that you are willing to be asked to host on the short-term notice. It does not mean that you need to accept it at that time.

The list of past IndieWeb Carnivals and Hosts



Current rules (can be changed in the future)

Default rules for the host

The carnival happens every month that has the host. At the beginning of the month, the host posts about their topic on the blog. The host then collects the submissions until the end of the month. After that, the host posts the summary of all the submissions with the links and sends them to the next month's host post.

Any rules beside the upper paragraph are at the host discretion. In case the host does not provide any additional rules, you can use the below ones as the default ones.

The minimal qualifier for what every host would be accepting is that the blog posts are in English. The host can specify a broader range of submissions that they are willing to accept (like different media, formats or languages).

The main way of people submitting the post are webmentions. If your site does not support the webmentions, then the main way of submitting is the email. A host can also specify a different way to accept the submissions.

Default rules for the participants

Any rules the host has specified for their carnival take precedence. Otherwise, the rules defined below stand.

Once you see the topic, post something connected to the topic suggested on your blog. The blog post should be written in the month the carnival is taking place - so between the posting of the topic and the last day of the month. Then, submit your submission to the host of this month.

Since this is an IndieWeb community, the main way of people submitting the post are webmentions. If the host site does not support the webmentions, then send them an email with the link.

The minimal qualifier for what every host will be accepting is blog posts in English language.


Started as based on the discussion in the 2023-06-14 Homebrew Website Club London/Europe.

RSS Feed

There is a manually updated feed of the IndieWeb carnival call of submissions and roundup posts, that you can subscribe to. You can find in on the indieweb-carnival/feed.

If you want to add it to your RSS feed, then you can use granary to change the microformats HTML to RSS format.

The updating of that feed is not the host responsibility.

Inspired by this carnival


See Also