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Netflix is a subscription service for on-demand video streaming and a silo of lists of shows you want to watch, lists of shows you like (or dislike), and shows you have watched (Viewing History), that you can extract and PESOS into watch posts on your own site.
How to
How to export
Netflix has several kinds of data users may want to export
Show Queue
- 2018-05-04
Marty McGuire extracted his "My List" by scrolling through the entire page in the browser and running a JavaScript snippet in the developer console.
Viewing History
You can find your viewing history by navigating:
- Account -> Settings -> Specific Profile You Want To View -> Parental Controls -> View History
How to extract:
- 2018-05-04
Marty McGuire extracted his viewing history by scrolling through the entire page in the browser and running a JavaScript snippet in the developer console.
Show Likes
- 2018-05-04
Marty McGuire extracted his rating history by scrolling through the entire page in the browser and running a JavaScript snippet in the developer console.
How to PESOS
No known method for automatic PESOSing.
Manual PESOSing:
Eddie Hinkle is in the process of manually importing Netflix watch history by creating manual watch posts on his site since October 2017 while looking at the viewing history page. He now creates manual watch posts whenever he watches something so Netflix viewing history no longer matters.
- want posts for shows you want to watch managed in a list AKA your "queue"
- watch posts of your show viewing history
- like/dislike posts of shows you gave a thumbs-up or thumbs-down to
- recommendation engine for suggesting shows you may like based on other shows you've watched and their data on which customers watch which shows
Past Features
??? Unknown how to export - has anyone figured this out?
Netflix used to let you rate a show in a number of stars (1-5?)
- You can use this Greasemonkey script to scrape all your ratings into a CSV document.
- This 2018-05-04 post by
Marty McGuire shows how to scrape ratings history in JSON format by scrolling through the account ratings page in the browser and running a JavaScript snippet in the developer console.
IndieWeb Examples
Eddie Hinkle has both PESOSed some of his Viewing History into watch posts, and has been creating manual watch posts.
- (need link to an example watch post, or a page of watch posts)
2016-03-09 Outage
On 2016-03-09 The Netflix website appeared to be down, and showed a "Netflix Site Error" page which directed users to go to the home page, even if they were already on it. home page with message:
Netflix Site Error
We were unable to process your request.
Please go to the Netflix home page by clicking the button below.
Twitter users tweeted about Netflix being down more than once a second.
The @Netflixhelps support account acknowledged the outage:
The Slash Gear reporting site provided a map of the outages:
See Also
- watch
- video
- YouTube
- Netflix Top 10, where Netflix shares their analytics of shows (by watch time) for anyone to download. (More information on the About page.) Sort of a silo-wide weekly report.