Many #IndieWeb community members in low bandwidth areas rely on Mumble for Virtual Homebrew Website Clubs. It provides always encrypted voice chat over the internet. Getting Mumble installed is quite easy.
Installing the Program
- Go to which will redirect to
- Choose your operating system ( the rest of this tutorial will be for Mac OS)
- Click on the stable release
- Then install the program.

Audio Set up
- You then be asked to select your default input and output device.
- Next you will complete a series of audio input and volume output tests.
- We will use push to talk so the audio test are not critical.
- There is a high-contrast image setting for those that are color blind (like me)
- I could not run the test with large amounts of feedback with my Blue Yeti mic
- On the next screen select push to talk
- If you are using a mouse you can assign a button to push to talk. You can also assign a keyboard shortcut.
Connecting to Server
- Next choose your username. You can change your nickname for any room you enter
- Hit "New" for a new server connection
- The vHWC-Europe usually run on a server supported by Sven Knebel
- Add mumble:// in the address field
- Port 64378 should be in the port field but add or change it if you do not see it.
- Hit okay
- Click on Connect
- You will be rejected for wrong password
- add "indie" as your password (no quotes)
- Push to talk, you are all set