Notes from Virtual Homebrew Website Club, December 13, 2017 taken as the conversation flowed. They don’t have any order to them other than time, and related items haven’t been grouped.
Attendance: Martijn van der Ven, sgreger, and Sven Knebel.
- sgreger presents
- Links also show avatars when he is logged in.
- Also Twitter handles of the people who have posted the link.
- Long term goal: highlight links posted by several people.
- No feature for tracking read articles, but CSS shows visited URLs.
- In development it can also follow RSS.
- Not yet MVP ready, when it is there will be a blogpost. Featuring insights on what he learned along the way.
- Pulls once an hour, and also orders the links per hour.
- Ideas born from Berlin readers session.
- Needs filtering. Seeing a lot of North American politics.
- sgreger also looking into Microsub.
- Question discussed: Do you need curated personal feeds, or everything from the people you follow?
Martijn van der Ven has an application that is an IndieAuth client, IndieAuth provider, Token endpoint, and media endpoint, all on the same URL as the micropub endpoint.
- Hopefully launches a demo during the weekend that will allow anyone to login and post “stuff”.
- Sven Knebel worked on his IRC bot during the IWC Austin weekend. The bot is able to generate things automatically like the list of upcoming homebrew website clubs on the homepage. It also does /live for livestreams.
- Still hasn’t launched the atom feeds he discussed in the last HWC.
- sgreger would like to see the ATOM feeds, as he hasn’t fully figured out how to subscribe to h-feeds.
- Sven Knebel has moved away from the idea of proxying Granary RSS.
- sgreger tried running Granary locally, but he did not get it working on his live environment.
- These exercises could be made easier when we have Microsub, as the feed handling does not need to be figured out by everyone separately.
Martijn van der Ven could you use XRay now that it has feed support?
- sgreger thinks the reason why he didn’t end up using it was that he wanted to use XRay but it wouldn’t pull basic data (like titles) from pages without microformats.
- Looked into XRay formats. Found a problem.
/ I had to disconnect for lag /
- Discussing the presentation at:
- mentioned while
Martijn van der Ven was offline: API exposure and Akismet being used by default are easy to miss, but privacy-relevant, especially when preparing for GDPR
- mentioned while
- Came back to gravatar discussion. sgreger found it very interesting. Shows that APIs can leak data even if you aren’t displaying it on the front-end.
- WordPress site was doing B2B where you had to enter your email address to get to a PDF download, but the PDF download link was accessible through the WP API.
- Akismet anti-spam also transmits your users IP adresses, which may be an issue.
- Gravatar is a stupid design - Sven Knebel
- Discussing WordPress as memory warehouse. Personal data collection and owning the collections. -
- Posting-by-email enabled to family can also log their memories.
- With WordPress you have tools that non-technical people can use that might be better than dumping everything in a FAcebook group.
- We are often missing the aspect to push just the “blogging for yourself” idea, rather than all the indieweb interconnected stuff.
- sgreger feels that the "personal archive" aspect would be an important onboarding argument, e.g. in HWC Berlin where maybe the Indieweb intro is often too focused on the social aspect (webmentions etc.) only.
- “Launch a website, then you are IndieWeb” –
Martijn van der Ven
- You can also just write for yourself and put it public later.
- Once a website is live it is easier to make use of it. Make it easy to post.
- sgreger is happy he stuck with WordPress and not change to Hugo. Because he gets the whole posting flow with a nice editor and uploader from WordPress - thinks he also should work on a list of arguments why it is worthwhile to stick with WordPress.
- Valuable because there are often reasons listed for moving to other places.
- Looking at caching plugins. Has a very neat set-up now, but still needs to blog about it.
- Shoutout to the session
- Sven Knebel has been thinking about how he can use WebPush notifications.
- Using it for authentication. Get a push notification with a link he has to click when logging in from a computer.
- This should be safe. When a device signs up for WebPush it uses a private key so that any payload send by the webapp is encrypted.
- Talking about web apps, and their installation flow.
- Using Chrome for Android’s add to homescreen does not make it an “app”, which means that custom launchers will not pick up on them.
- Twitter is picked up by Martijn’s custom launcher, as “Twitter Lite”.
- Sven Knebel is wondering if he could use Chrome for Android’s password manager, which is lockable with a fingerprint, to make sign-up after the WebPush notification even more secure by still requiring a password but allowing him to enter the password with a single tap.
- What makes Twitter Lite into an application that gets picked up by the Launcher?
- Maybe it is a Streaming Web App?
- Or was that called Instant App?
- Maybe that it is a “display:standalone” in the web manifest.
- Clearly too much of this stuff exists.
- There is a blog post by Twitter on how they built Twitter Lite.
- Was comparing to But
Jeremy Keith’s “minimal-ui” display didn’t work either. This is supported in the next version of Chrome for Android: