From IndieWeb
  1. start with an h-entry
  2. find local author information
    1. if the h-entry has an author property, use that
    2. otherwise if the h-entry has a parent h-feed with author property, use that
  3. if an author property was found
    1. if it has an h-card, use it, exit.
    2. otherwise if author property is an http(s) URL, let the author-page have that URL (continue at 5)
    3. otherwise use the author property as the author name, exit
  4. if there is no author-page yet, try to find one
    1. if h-entry's page is a permalink page and has a rel-author link, let the author-page's URL be the href of the rel-author link
  5. if there is an author-page URL
    1. get the author-page from that URL and parse it for microformats2
    2. if author-page has 1+ h-card with url == uid == author-page's URL, then use first such h-card, exit.
    3. else if author-page has 1+ h-card with url property which matches the href of a rel-me link on the author-page (perhaps the same hyperlink element as the u-url, though not required to be), use first such h-card, exit.
    4. if the h-entry's page has 1+ h-card with url == author-page URL, use first such h-card, exit.
  6. otherwise no deterministic author can be found. Implementations are encouraged to document additional heuristics below for consideration for incorporation in to the authorship algorithm.