
From IndieWeb

There are many communities and groups that are adjacent to and overlap with the IndieWeb community that many of us participate in, have participated in, that may interest you as well.


Communities and groups adjacent to or overlapping with the IndieWeb, where a some of us are active participants:

⚠️ This list is very much incomplete! If you don't see a community in particular that doesn't mean anything!

If you participate in a community with similar/overlapping principles and a compatible code-of-conduct, please add it to the list!


Past IndieWeb-adjacent communities that have closed.

  • Yesterweb β€” closed in 2023
  • SocialWG β€” 2014-2018
  • - "Founded in 1998, (was) a world community for web developers, promoting the mutual free exchange of ideas, skills and experiences"
  • ...

See Also