
From IndieWeb

WordCamp Santa Clarita Valley


Come for two days of WordCamp Santa Clarita on Friday and Saturday April 5 & 6, 2019 featuring an IndieWeb-related talk by Chris Aldrich: "Micropub and WordPress: Custom Posting Applications" on Saturday afternoon.
Any questions? Ask Chris in the chatroom! More…


from -: IndieWeb related session: "Micropub and WordPress: Custom Posting Applications"

All times are local, unless otherwise noted in venues.


College of the Canyons
Dr. Dianne G. Van Hook University Center
26455 Rockwell Canyon Road
Santa Clarita, California 91355


Feel free to RSVP by adding yourself below, but be sure to purchase tickets in advance. General admission is $40 and includes:

  • Two days of sessions of everything WordPress β€” design, development, e-commerce, marketing and more! Day 1 (Friday, April 5) will focus on getting started with WordPress and WooCommere; Day 2 (Saturday, April 6) offers a full slate of WordPress content spread across three simultaneous tracks at Dr. Dianne G. Van Hook University Center on the campus of College of the Canyons;
  • Lunch on Friday & Saturday, including snacks and refreshments;
  • Swag and sponsor goodies; and
  • Afterparty Saturday (details to follow)


Are you in the greater Los Angeles area? Stop by and learn more about Micropub and Micropub client use with WordPress. Chris Aldrich will be at WordCamp both days to chat with participants about IndieWeb and WordPress in addition to a featured talk on Saturday afternoon.


Blog posts

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Chris Aldrich presenting his session Micropub Rocks, in front of a projector with a Micropub Rocks slide from

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