
From IndieWeb
For the IndieWeb style guide see, indieweb-style-guide

A style guide on the IndieWeb is a page that describes writing style preferences or visual design elements about a personal website.

IndieWeb Examples


capjamesg publishes a style guide on his personal wiki with some features of his written communication, with a focus on written conversations (i.e. chat messages).

gRegor Morrill

gRegor Morrill publishes a visual style guide since 2017-01-01:

This style guide is for documenting the design elements used on

I have found that the amount of CSS can easily grow out of control as new design elements are added. I am hoping to switch to a more style-guide-driven process to reduce that.

This style guide uses the same CSS as the rest of the site, so should reflect the current design elements with minimal maintenance.

Anthony Ciccarello

Anthony Ciccarello has published a style guide since 2022-05-15. It's primarily designed to quickly check the visual elements of the site theme and how to use them.

Add yourself!

Add yourself here… (see this for more details)

Community Examples

IndieWeb community

The IndieWeb community itself has a style guide:

See Also