Content was a session at IndieWebCamp NYC2 2016.
Notes archived from: https://etherpad.indieweb.org/content
Video at: https://youtu.be/Z-QXKtLpuSc?t=32m27s
When: 2016-08-27 14:15
- Larry Kooper http://larrykooper.com (session facilitator)
- Jess Klein
Marty McGuire
Tantek Γelik
- ... more - please add from photo below
Related previous IndieWebcamp sessions / pages:
Guiding Questions:
- What are some ideas for what to put on your personal site?
- What would you like to be?
- What are you passionate about?
How do you make yourself write regularly online?
- blogs
- builds lots of services and tools and invites friends to join
What is your audience?
You may write for yourself but it's ok to be public
Una Kravets personal goals Github repo: https://github.com/una/personal-goals
Tantek led a session on the same thing (URL above)
Schoolhouse Rock style - how a thought becomes a post
"I'm just a thought...." - a la how a bill becomes a law
- posts goals to github https://github.com/iamjessklein/goals
- does blogging happen at big milestones or moments in time?
- perfectionism gets in the way of finished posting
- gets over the hump of creating a draft by writing it as an email to a friend
- blogged once or twice a month about work
Website updates can often coincide with looking for jobs.
- blogged about the Mozilla project when he worked there
- 18F
ok to blog about what you have learned even if you feel it's not advanced enough
find a way to anonymize your work stories
Label posts as not finished
- "beta"
- "under construction"
find a way to label the 'unfinished' ones -- some sort of banner like the Github ribbon
Celebrate your successes
Turning Thoughts into posts :
- Twitter-like notes -- post it as a partial thought
- then you can weave them into a longer post
- the notes (tweets) have a permalink
Can use your past tweets
pinboard.in -- they pull in your tweets
Twitter does not display all your tweets! but you can request them
Photo by session participant Tantek Γelik (not pictured)