
From IndieWeb

This is the 2016/NYC2 IndieWebCamp NYC2 schedule

The schedule is still in development and is open for suggestions based on the attendees. There will likely be some participant sessions determined the day of the event on an open session grid, as well as a few scheduled speakers.

All times are local times. We'll sync-up sessions across the different locations as we can!

Saturday 2016-08-27

Keynotes and Discussions.

Main etherpad: http://etherpad.indieweb.org/2016-NYC2

Day 1: Keynotes and Discussions (-).

Dalberg Global Development Advisors New York, New York

Tigger livestream: https://youtu.be/Z-QXKtLpuSc

Winnie the Pooh livestream: https://youtu.be/H0Hq2NDdhEM

IndieWebCamp Group Dinner

  • decentralized dinners, New York, New York

Sunday 2016-08-28

Work Sessions. Hack day. Build stuff and demo it!

Dalberg Global Development Advisors New York, New york

9:45 Organizers setup
10:00 Doors open, breakfast, Day 2 Kickoff
10:15 - 12:00 Start Creating!
12:00 - 1:00 Catered Lunch
13:00 - 14:00
16:00 Demos
17:00 community cleanup
17:30 camp closed!
17:45 after party - TBD!

Other Years