Indorsements was a session at IndieWebCamp NYC2 2016 about endorsements.
Notes archived from: https://etherpad.indieweb.org/indorsements
Video at: https://youtu.be/H0Hq2NDdhEM?t=1h57m41s
When: 2016-08-27 15:45
- Name coined by
David Shanske
- Jess Klein (session facilitator)
- Atul Varma
Marty McGuire
Tantek Γelik
David Shanske
- Eric Lewis
- Aaron
gRegor Morrill (remote)
Indorsements is short for "Indieweb Endorsements"
Jess demo'd skillsbot, a Slack bot with a conversational interface for self-reporting level of interest and experience for various topics.
- has a pre-determined list of skills (e.g. Information Architecture / Design)
- users talk w/ Skills Bot to give 1-5 ratings of their interest and their experience level for these skills
- this can be used to find people who are a good match for specific projects, or mentoring opportunities
Use cases for endorsements:
- finding folks to do work
- finding mentors
- finding interested learners
- portfolio to display past work
Examples of skills
- achievements in video games
- work done during a degree program
- contributed work to a specific project
- being a "good" participant at an event
- what makes a "good" participant?
David suggested that an individual writes an endorsement on their site and sends it(via webmention) to the person they are endorsing. Or you post on your site a skill and people webmention-endorse it...
What's the difference between an endorsement, a recommendation, or a review?
Another David suggestion: you post an assertion on your own site, others reply to it with a post endorsing/supporting
- Different from badges (where you have nothing until somebody gives you a badge)
- You own the actual content and the replies strengthen the assertion
Asserting your skill / qualification *first* is far more "indie" than the badges model, where you're nothing until someone *else* grants you a badge for something.
- Do we display the web of trust?
- Who endorses the endorsers?
- Who is the person for which their reputation is so stellar that everyone trusts them?
- What is the UX of getting an endorsement?
- Then, what is the plumbing needed to support it?
Examples/ Inspiration:
- Makerbase ( https://makerbase.co/about/ ) was discusssed as a silo for endorsements
- LinkedIn https://www.linkedin.com/ silo endorsement
- Open Badges http://openbadges.org/ not exactly an indie web way of doing endorsement
- Meetup.com post-event "good to see you" messages - https://www.meetup.com/SCSCMD/messages/40974722/
- Ring Mark: http://rng.io/
- Post-wedding "thank you" acknowledgement notes
Action Items
- Journey mapping the user stories < ----- you are asserting it rather than waiting for a badge
- Someone should Post an assertion
- Another person should endorse that assertion
Photo by session participant Tantek Γelik (not pictured)