
From IndieWeb

Serverless / AWS Lambda was a session at IndieWebCamp NYC2 2016.

Notes archived from: https://etherpad.indieweb.org/serverless

Video at: https://youtu.be/H0Hq2NDdhEM

When: 2016-08-27 13:30



We're going to be talking Chalice ( https://github.com/awslabs/chalice )

Python microframework, similar to Flask ( http://flask.pocoo.org/ ) or Bottle ( http://bottlepy.org/docs/dev/index.html )

Thin HTTP wrapper (GET, POST, paths)

In this sessions, we'll be going through a quick hello world / install using their README

  1. create a Python virtual environment
  2. install dependencies
  3. create a project
  4. set up AWS credentials ~/.aws/config
  5. ran into setup issues beyond the scope of a quick session

Digging in to a working example.

  • output from Chalice is a lambda function that is uploaded to AWS Lambda. Looking at the resulting lambda in the console.
  • example app is triggered by an AWS cron that calls the lambda every 10 or 15 minutes
  • this particular app:
    • queries Twitter API for trending hashtags
    • grabs the volume of tweets
    • searches whois data for hashtag + ".com"
    • if domain is available, add the domain and tweet volume to a google spreadsheet

For indieweb projects, Chalice makes it easy to use the AWS lambda http endpoints.

  • For example, could make a Chalice-based micropub endpoint that adds posts to a GitHub Pages site
  • AWS lambda also supports lots of other triggers, such as IoT buttons
    • e.g. send a micropub post to your site when you push a button

AWS Lambda frees you from dealing with operating systems, hosting hardware, etc.

See Also