Demos for IndieWebCamp Brighton 2019 took place October 20, 2019.
Jeremy Keith
Jeremy Keith, https://adactio.com
- worked to do something “with maps”
- Wherever you look on his site you will see a list of date-ordered things, all with lat/long coordinate
- Decided to do something with that data.
- The lat/lon is microformats parsable now.
- A script checks for more than 3 of them on the page, if there is, a map will be drawn in the sidebar
- “going for that Indiana Jones” feel
- It still misses some of the “time thing”. You cannot see where the start and end is of the journey
- Pretty happy with the current progress
- Looking at September 2019 archive, there is the sparkline and the calendar heat map
- So the new addition is a third display: the lat/lon coordinates
- He would rather make it a static flat image, but spent 2 hours on that rabbit hole …
- (Google and thus a bunch of other things copying it require a really weird compact encoding of the lat-long pairs)
- Wants to revisit it later, possibly by looking at Atlas
- By putting it further down the page hopefully the percieved performance of loading it after the fact is good
Sebastiaan Andeweg
Sebastiaan Andeweg, https://seblog.nl/
- shows a styling change
- But the stying change does not carry over well on the projector
- slightly sabotaged by the fact that the projection screen has two black lines roughly where the borders he removed wehere
- Also fixed an issue with iPhone photos: on all platforms other than the iPhone it would be upside down
Jeremy Cherfas
Jeremy Cherfas, https://jeremycherfas.net
- Got his first thing started last night: an iOS shortcut that lets him share his current location with others
- Got his new theme uploaded
- Small things he wants to keep working on: e.g. sticky on the menu bar so it does not scroll away
- Changed a lot of structural things. Effectively everything is now a blog post, being sorted by tags to put them on the “correct” pages
- Now showing parsing his blog with the Python microformats parser
- Seeing a conflict with his CSS framework, where classes can start with microformats prefixes (e.g. h-full for height)
- The reason he created this Grav theme was because most of them out there were super configurable. He didn’t need all the configurability.
Martijn van der Ven
Martijn van der Ven, https://vanderven.se/martijn/
- wanted to work on his weight posting
- had a cheat-start last night, by adding weight to Quill
- Demoing https://sink.zegnat.net
- Which he is using to show the demo
- login into Quill
- now has a ⚖️ post type
- where you can put in a weight and a unit
- and post
- also did some tweaks to his homepage, new easter eggs are hidden
Calum Ryan
Calum Ryan, https://calumryan.com
- did some Micropub things, now bookmarks a page with Omnibear
- now stores the whole object that he receives from Micropub
- also shows his new dark-mode
Mark Stanley Everitt
- https://qubyte.codes
- Did some webmention stuff, also wanting to qualify for a sticker
- Going to set off the webmention from his iPad, where he set up the Shortcut for Micropubbing
- Seeing a demo reply popping up in his Glitch app for Micropub. Seeing how Netlify is rebuilding.
- Seeing the webmention sender kick in.
- Demo reply showed up on Discovery Test #2 right away!
- ... has been looking at old blogger lists from Brighton. And found ~70 blogs that still have posted in the last year.
- Was also sad to see how some blogs had their final post announcing a death
- The web gets older
Jack Tomaszewski
- https://jtom.me
- Indiewebified his website: new h-card, option to login to the wiki.
- Has written about one of the sessions that ran yesterday on the wiki. Has also updated his wiki profile page to include many of the ideas he was walking around with
Paul Robert Lloyd
- https://paulrobertlloyd.com
- Has been updating the IndieKit stuff for easy Micropub installation
- You should now be greeted by an explanation
- First needs to login, uses GPG for this so he can use IndieAuth.com without a tonne of social media accounts for test pages
- Showing how the interface will guide the user to set-up the link to GitHub
- Not sure the next step - the homepage - works.
- Shows an editor that can post to itself
- Overall lots of progress
Rosemary Orchard
Rosemary Orchard, https://rosemaryorchard.com
- Started with Shortcuts towards WordPress things, finding and squashing bugs as she went
- Then continued with her new WordPress theme
- The next thing she tried was to get logging in with phone working
- She can click a phone icon and she then has to respond to a push notification to login
- Also added Sign In with Apple
- Treats it as a proof of concept
- Also got a start (“a work in progress”) for dark theme
Sven Knebel
- Sven Knebel, https://svenknebel.de
- Shows a category on the blog that only contains test micropub posts
- Found a Quill bug when Quill stripped animation from his animated GIF
- Also tested from mobile with Indigenous, but that did not use the media endpoint and therefore no image showed up
Aaron Parecki
Aaron Parecki, https://aaronpk.com
- Fixed one super small thing:
Sebastiaan Andeweg kept trying to get to aaronpk on Github through aaronpk.com/github, instead of github.com/aaronpk. So that now works.
- Konami Code has also been activated on his site
- The thing he actually wanted to get done requires him to also show his screen.
- Aaron worked on his phone login, and fixed the problem
Rosemary Orchard was having: the push notification now shows his actual location.
- Also added the Sign in with Apple button
- Which on his phone will make use of Face ID and imediately sign him in
Tantek Çelik, https://tantek.com
- He added a service worker to his site, specifically to his homepage
- No service worker starting when you go and visit an article directly: you may not want a relationship with the site
- Demoing what happens when you are offline
- Taking the browser online again, and loading the homepage
- A service worker should now have been installed, and have cached parts from the homepage
- Service worker did not do what was expected, so live updating firefox
- Now that we are in HTTPS land, the demo should work now
- Now an offline page is being displayed
- ServiceWorker works! (with the https version of the site)
- It is a custom offline page that shows a little message about the offline status, but also links to the contact and payment pages.
- Those pages were immediately cached by the service worker when you visited the homepage and are therefore available
- Even if you were offline, or the page was unavailable, the contact options would still have been clickable
- One test failed: precaching images hosted on a different domain. Possible? Some resources suggested yes
- and I totally forgot to credit
Marty McGuire for Spano, which "heavily inspired" my code
Peter Molnar
Peter Molnar, https://petermolnar.net
- I decided to make a hidden - non-linked - page that shows all photo posts with geo data on a map