
From IndieWeb
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Indiekit (GitHub repo) is “the little Node.js server with all the pieces needed to own your content and share it with the wider independent web”. This project is currently being developed by Paul Robert Lloyd.

The immediate goal of this project was to provide a self-hosted Micropub endpoint that could save posts to a content store (such as GitHub) for subsequent publishing with a static site generator (such as Jekyll).

With that goal met, the longer term ambition is to support other publishing APIs (Webmention, Microsub, ActivityPub etc.), integrate with a wider range of content management systems, and provide a compelling web management interface.

Screenshot of Indiekit in a browser, showing a grid of published posts.


A MongoDB database is optional, but required for many features to work.


  • Plug-in API with a number of first-party plug-ins to support common integrations
  • Accessible web interface
  • Localisable, with localisations provided for:
    • US English
    • Deutsch
    • Español
    • Español (Latin American Spanish)
    • Français
    • हिन्दी (Hindi)
    • bahasa Indonesia
    • Nederlands
    • Polski
    • Português
    • Srpski
    • Svenska
    • 中文 (Simplified Chinese)


  • Publish content using apps and services that support the Micropub API
  • Create, update, delete and undelete posts
  • Upload files via the media endpoint
  • Configure where different post types get published
  • Publication presets to support popular static site generators and document formats
  • First-party plug-ins that support saving content to:
  • First-party publication preset plug-ins for:


  • Syndicate content to third-party websites
  • First-party plug-ins that support syndicating to:

People using it

See also

Open Source IndieWeb related projects and tools
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