
From IndieWeb

IndieWebWeek Vlissingen 2019

⚓ We're meeting for a
Hackweek around ActivityPub and Federation right before FOSDEM 2019 !

The importance of owning your data is getting more awareness every year.
But there is still a lot of work to do to help people to understand what “owning your data” actually means at all.
To achieve this and help people getting started, we're meeting for a bar-camp like collaboration and hackweek in Vlissingen.
Join us right before FOSDEM and learn how to use open web technologies or develop Open Source to empower and – maybe more importantly – encourage users to own their own content and identities. Let's create sustainable FLOSS communities and raise awareness in politics and media around IndieWeb. We will tinker in a water tower, the base for the event.

Join us for five days of brainstorming, working, helping.
At least 24 spots are available for now incl. 8 cost-free sleeping rooms.

Free (fast) WiFi is available at the locations and up to 1Mbit or upgrade in the city.

Optional car shuttles
2019-01-28 early : AMS - Utrecht - Tilburg||Breda & DUS - Antwerpen - Vlissingen
2019-02-01 late : Vlissingen - Brussels (FOSDEM dev room on 2th Feb)
2019-02-04 || 05 : Brussels - DUS & Brussels - AMS


We need numbers.

🎫 Get your ticket here !


All participants must agree to:

If you have any questions, please ask in chat!

We plan to cook together.

Adjacent Events

See Events for more.
photo CC4.0 - wikimedia commons - Author: Geertivp


MON • Discussion TUE • Discussion, Build-Planning WED • Building
Day 1 is about discussing in a BarCamp-like environment.
Bring a topic you'd like to discuss or join in on topics as they are added to the board. We make the schedule together!
Day 2 is BarCamp 2 and also about making things on and for the IndieWeb Day 3 is about coding together with remote participation. A group could build a better theme for the wiki other groups could improve on demos made in Nuremberg/Berlin or build webcomponents ready to use for consuming IndieWeb principles.

08:30 Organizer setup
15:00 Hello World - badges
15:30 Keynote, Introductions and demos
16:30 Session scheduling
17:00 3 sessions parallel
20:00 Get together

09:30 Hello World - badges
10:00 Day 2 kick-off, session scheduling
10:15 3-4 sessions parallel
11:45 3-4 Build sessions - idea: Specified formats that many programming languages can use to interoperate
13:15 Cook and Eat together
see "Code together" below the table …
15:00 Coding-Groups planning / remote setup
16:00 Coding together
20:00 Glow Minigolf or boardgames

09:00 Coding
12:30 Cook and Eat together
14:30 Frisbee Soccer, Table Tennis, billard, flipper or boardgames
15:30 Call for Participation for Coding and Get Together (also remote participants)
16:00 Coding - open start/end
20:00 like https://domainswap.xyz but so 2019

THU • Awareness FRI • Demos
Day 4 ... Day 5 is to show what we did. Demo your created building blocks.

Idea 1
Work out a "cheat sheet" for 100Mio. g+ users becoming homeless : Like comparing each aspect of google+ and write a guide for newbies how to do in IndieWeb …
09:00 Collect learning resources [tackling new generations] (Let's think of people who just wrote natural language before and start by "What is HTML", then there might be much stuff in the wiki which maybe just needs a continous thread [deu]"Roter Faden":
"The Indie Web wiki hosts a pretty comprehensive documentation, but it is very bad browsable for Indie Web newbies." [1])
10:00 "State of the IndieWeb"
11:45 4 Sessions (see above)
Prepared Snack-Lunch
13:30 3 Sessions (see above)
14:30 http://www.holland-cycling.com/assets/docs/VlissingenCycleRoute.pdf
OR HWC - Help the local community in the library space or Community Center, e.g. coop w. "SeniorWeb", local computerclub?
20:30 Party or NGO event OR discussion (see below) ?

10:00 Demos
12:30 Lunch
13:30 break, Community clean-up
14:30 Reflection, Good bye!
15:30 --> car shuttles or public transport to Brussels FOSDEM weekend -->


🐚 T.B.A.




a CMS in development by Sebastian Lasse based on IndieWeb principles, federated and linked data

Become a sponsor?

We are currently looking for a co-sponsor for this event.

If you're interested, please see How to sponsor IndieWebCamp or ping Sebastian Lasse via email or Twitter to discuss the available options.


  • Organizers: Sebastian Lasse
  • Want to help out?
    • Contact an organizer or sign-up to Volunteer!
    • Check the #To-do list below to see if there's something you can help out with.


Organzational tasks

  • Setup wiki pages (Introductions, Demos, complete schedule etc.)

Questions for Organizers

Add your questions below

  • what's the scope/purpose of the event, why a week?

see Planning

Travel and Lodging

lodging list
(de) Übernachtungsmöglichkeiten
(de) Sehenswürdigkeiten
more info

House or Room Share

Add yourself here if you're interested in sharing an accomodation with others.


more ideas

"Code together" :: /me in advance would set up a space for remote participation
which apart from stream / etherpad also allows coding together,

Could ask for co-sponsors (e.g. coop with NGO friends) - idea

  • Large discussion round table, e.g.
    • "State of the IndieWeb"
    • "Diversity"
    • "Political Awareness"
  • Invite NGOs, EU Council, media

Put suggestions for the IndieWebWeek here:


IndieWeb Poster at FOSDEM 2018
IndieWeb Poster at FOSDEM 2018, photo: ballancier.de
Building Blocks

2024 BrightonDüsseldorfPortlandBerlinPlanning More Camps & Popups • …
Build a Website in an Hour March (P)
2023 NurembergSan Diego
Create Day November (O)CreateFest December (O)
Multi-Lingual Personal Websites (P)Build a Website in an Hour July (P)Build a Website in an Hour September (P)
2022 DüsseldorfBerlin
Create Day March (O)July (O)September (O)December (O)
Analog Meets Online (P)Personal Libraries (P)How to Make the IndieWeb More Approachable (P)
2021 Düsseldorf
Create Day July (O)October (O)December (O)
Respectful Responses (P)Webmentions Beyond Webmention.io (P) • Very Sensitive Data (P)Microsub (P)IndieAuth (P)Gardens and Streams II (P)IndieAuth 2 (P)
2020 Austin
Online London (O)West (O)East (O)Create Day (O)
Garden & Stream (P)Micropub (P)IndieAuth (P)Get Started with WP (P)microformats2 (P)Friendly WP Themes (P)
2019 AustinNew HavenBerlinDüsseldorfUtrecht9th IndieWeb Summit (Portland)AmsterdamOxfordNYCBrightonBerlin2SF
2018 BaltimoreDüsseldorf8th IndieWeb Summit (Portland)SFOxfordNYCNürnbergBerlin
2017 BellinghamDüsseldorfNürnberg7th IndieWeb Summit (Portland)IstanbulNYCBerlinAustin
2016 NYCMITNürnbergDüsseldorf6th IndieWeb Summit (Portland)NYC2BrightonLA (Santa Monica)BerlinMIT2
2015 Cambridge MAGermany (Düsseldorf)Portland & Brighton (5th Summit) • EdinburghMITSF
2014 SFNYCPortland/NYC/Berlin (4th Summit)UK (Brighton)Cambridge MAOnline
2013 Portland (3rd Summit)UK (Brighton)Hollywood
2012 Portland (2nd Summit)UK (Brighton)
2011 Portland (Summit)