
From IndieWeb

The IndieWebCamp 2020 East schedule and session grid is where notes and videos from all sessions can be found.

This page will update frequently on the days of Camp, so please refresh it regularly on those days to make sure you have the most recent information.

The session grid is developed on day 1, and is based on suggestions by the attendees.

All times are local (Eastern Time Zone) times. If you are a remote attendee, make sure to convert to your timezone.

Friday Pre-Party

The night before camp, we're continuing our tradition of a pre-camp dinner...except we will be eating together apart. So, set a place setting in front of your webcam and join us for some distance socializing. In respect to other timezones, you need not bring dinner. Other meals, snacks, drinks, etc. are welcome. We will set up some Zoom break out rooms for people to pop into for some conversations.


Session topics will be proposed via Etherpad at https://etherpad.indieweb.org/2020-East-Sessions and chosen/scheduled on the day of the event and organized into the grid below. Ideally everyone who attends camp should submit a proposal for a topic they're interested in learning more about.

Sessions are facilitated by the participant who proposed the topic. Learn more at session facilitating.

Day 1: Share, Learn, and Discuss!


Day 2: Create Day: Build & make stuff and demo it!

9:30 Doors open, coffee, breakfast, socializing
10:00 Day 2 Kickoff, EU Demos, Create Day Intro, Scheduling
Start Creating / Optional breakout sessions
16:30 Demos
▶️ 38:53s
17:45 Closing Comments and group photo
18:00 2020 East finished!


Interested in collaborating on a project on day two of IWC 2020 East?

Put your project information on the etherpad: https://etherpad.indieweb.org/2020-East-Projects


Feel free to self-organize evening activities before or for dinner or afterwards here! Add yourself to an existing activity, or add a new activity!

Prior Years

See Also